How to find out your site in the clinic?

How to find out your site in the clinic?

The organization of the work of all children's and adult district polyclinics is built on the territorial principle of medical care. Its essence lies in the distribution of citizens by plots in accordance with their address of living. The doctor enshrined at the site takes only the part of the population that lives at the territory served by him. In order for the patient to get to the reception to the therapist or pediatrician, he needs to know which area it is attached.

How to find out the number of your plot in the clinic?

The address of the addresses and the order of their ranking in the medical facility are public information provided without the presentation of any documents. The patient can appear in the registry of the clinic and refine the number of the site to which it is attached, calling only its address of living.

Overall time to get the necessary information - to call the clinic registry. The phone number of a medical institution can be found in a single help desk or on the sites of the hospital.

Ask the number of the site is also possible at the neighbors. Residents of a separate apartment building and private houses of one street, as a rule, are attached to one therapeutic area.

Search via the Internet

The worldwide network is the most convenient and fast way to find out your site in the district clinic. To do this, you need to drive a request "Electronic Registry N" to the search bar, where N is the city in which the necessary medical institution is located.

The order of searching for the site on the electronic registration site depends on the resource functionality and may be:

  • automatic. Built-in service on the resource allows you to find out the number of the site after entering the address in the appropriate line;

  • manual. On some sites, the user must choose the necessary medical institution and independently find its address in the list of areas;

  • through support service. Specify the number of your site on some web sites is possible only through correspondence with the operator. To do this, you need to find the appropriate section on the site, select a medical insurance and fill out the form.

In the event that the electronic registry of any city does not exist or it does not function, the site number can be searching on the sites of the medical institution and the Department of Health.

Why do you need a precinct principle of population distribution?

The establishment of maintenance zones and the consolidation of them the population allows you to evenly distribute the workload between the district doctors. An excessive number of patients with a health care worker reduces the effectiveness and quality of assistance provided to them in connection with the reduction of time on the outpatient reception.

In the absence of a territorial principle, patients living on land removed from each other could be attached to one doctor. In this case, the doctor would spend more time on the road from one patient to another, which could reduce the quality of therapeutic and preventive work at home.

If the patient does not suit the quality of the operation of the district doctor or the work of the clinic as a whole, it can attached to another specialist or medical institution. However, such a procedure is held once a year, except in cases of change of residence.

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