Where to complain about doctors

Where to complain about doctors

Unfortunately, complaints about unlawful behavior (action) of medical personnel, and sometimes inaction, is not uncommon. However, do not everyone know how to protect your rights and achieve justice. So, where can I contact if you have complaints about health workers?

If there is an OMS policy (and it should be every citizen) you can write a complaint with the insurance company. The reason may be the presence of claims for the quality or availability of medical care provided (proposal to pay for a survey, medical services, refusal to provide medical care). For your appeal, insurance company employees must conduct a special examination and determine whether there is a violation. If you are denied in this, contact the territorial Fund of the OMS with a complaint of insurers.


You can write B. Ministry of Health. The convenience of the service allows you to use the postal delivery, email or a hotline telephone. Most often, the Ministry of Health redirects complaints to the proceedings in the subordinate organizations.

2 Samnadrav

On the actions and behavior of the "ambulance", doctors of the district clinic, you can complain to regional Department of Health (It can also be called the Committee, the Ministry in individual regions). By calling a hotline, you can leave a complaint at a specific area (for example, in Moscow there is a separate line on drugs, vaccination, medical care, etc.).

3 Sami_Reg Department

If your claim is quite serious (there is a negligence of physicians, which led to a worsening of the patient's health or even to his death), it is necessary to write a complaint to Roszdravnadzor. The application can be sent by email, registered mail or online through the organization's website. With the sanction of the prosecutor's office, Roszdravnadzor will conduct a serious check.

4 Samnadzor itself

If all of the above authorities could not restore justice, you can contact the arbitration court for medical issues. Complaints on the actions of medical staff, for the requirement (charging) for treatment for treatment here is quite often. However, such courts are not presented in all regions. Here you can download:

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To properly draw up a claim (complaint), it is best to resort to the help of an experienced lawyer. It will help to do everything as much as possible and tell me where exactly you should contact your question.

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Helena 12/29/2015 at 9:06.

Hello, today on December 28, 2015 appealed to the hospital number 3 g asbestos of the Sverdlovsk region. With signs of malaise, while working on harmful production with elevated temperatures. Spending near the office number 203 and a half hours, going into the office on the reception. Studying the cause of the disease, poor well-being and strong alert. Doctor Therapist Mr. Asbesta put it that I did not see you have no reason for ailment. Go to work and treat, she says. Prescribed a recipe antibiotic. Then I asked where my hospital leaf is?. What the therapist answered me, do not like go to the head. Then I took the card and duties to the head of the 212 cabinet. The head I told my symptoms, where the therapist standing in the office called me a cloth, without having any right to it. Then the head began to talk to Hamski with me, refuse to a hospital sheet. If you take according to the law, doctors must treat us, and not cripple. Do not be expressed not censored coupling on patients. How to sell hospital for 500 rubles. We can and please express. And if for free, they are expressed not by censorship brafia and send sick people to be treated to work. So why keep such employees if they do not want to work and treat free people. Let sit at home. And also the head asked me, why didn't I come before?. I answered her, sat with a breast child!. In what the head asked me a rough question: what kind of baby breastfeed?. I ask you to take measures and attract the head by law along with its staff. Since I turned for help, and not for an insult to the city hospital of the city of Asbesta Polyclinic number 3 Leningradskaya 22.

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