How to sign up for hospital

How to sign up for hospital

No one wants to root, but this condition of the body is not uncommon. To get to the doctor, before it was necessary to spend half a day, as there are many patients and for the inspection of each person will need at least 15 minutes. In order to save time, the sick decided to organize the queue to the doctor through a preliminary recording. Further find out in detail how to sign up in the clinic.

In small towns of Russia, a pre-registration is not always needed. Enough at the reception hours of the doctor to come to the registry, provide the policy, SNILS and the passport, the nurse will immediately give a coupon, go to the doctor's office and take a queue, all this is done within one day.

However, this is allowed not everywhere. One of the most convenient options in advance to come about the time of visits to the clinic is a mobile record. Of course, you will need a registry phone number. You can find it online here There are data on hospitals in Moscow, here - St. Petersburg, and here Medical centers of Russia.

Hospitals of Moscow

There is still a recording method - with the help of a hospital terminal. Get a tumbler on this device is not difficult. The main thing is to follow the prompts and correctly enter information about yourself, for this you need to take the insurance policy, passport, SNILS. The only thing that is bad, the coupon you will receive today, and a visit to the doctor can be a visit for tomorrow, two days have to go to the hospital.

It is also inconvenient to take a ticket in the reception, as it takes a lot of time for the procedure because of the queues. And in most hospitals, only certain hours are dismissed on such an action, so it is formed a cluster of the people near the windows of the issuance of cuffs.

Well, if you have an Internet network, as you have the opportunity without leaving a cozy apartment to arrange a "application for reception" (caster), only for this you need to register on your portal clinicwhich sequence is to sign up for the servant of the panacea here Fit detail.

Portal for receiving a doctor

It is important to know that no health policy You will not free in any medical facility. Get policy permitted at any health insurance company, for example, here. It needs only application.

Download samples can be on our website:

Stakhovo Organization Moscow

After reading the material the question arises, what to do if you need urgent medical care? Do not worry, for these patients, there is no record, and any health worker should help the patient even without the documents.

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