How to choose a doctor

How to choose a doctor

The choice of a doctor is a responsible, sometimes vital solution. Everyone, regardless of gender, nationality and religion, has the right to choose a clinic and the necessary medical specialist. Trusting his health and life, the patient has the full right to be guided by his ideas and sensations. In order not to make a mistake with the decision, it is necessary to take into account certain factors and criteria for assessing the level of qualification of the doctor.

Choosing a doctor and a clinic, a citizen realizes his legal right specified order Back in 2012, the Ministry of Health can use such a right only once a year, with the exception of the case of changing their place of residence. To change the clinic and the local doctor, you need to contact the selected clinic with identification documents and the insurance policy. You will be offered to fill out the form. After that, they will send information to the hospital at the place of registration and to the insurance company that you will be served in this area. But you will become assigned to your chosen doctor only with his consent. You can only choose a therapist, a pediatrician and a family doctor. These rights relate to free state medical institutions. In private clinics, each person has the right to sign up in order of queue for any specialist at the discretion.

Specialty and qualification. There are no difficulties in choosing a doctor’s specialty, if a diagnosis has already been made. But when there was a need to visit a doctor with specific complaints for the first time, you must consult a therapist or family doctor. They will make a preliminary diagnosis based on complaints and examination of the patient, general analyzes. It is difficult to independently decide on the doctors of related specialties, for example, a neurologist and a neuropathologist; Urologist, nephrologist and andrologist. Only a family doctor can send a patient with specific complaints to the necessary specialist. Having decided on the necessary category of a specialist, you can start finding potential candidates using the Internet or an independent clinic bypass. As for private medical institutions, they provide fairly wide information about their employees: they indicate education, experience, experience, qualifications, awards. The state hospital in rare cases has their own website, information about the doctor can be obtained directly in the clinic.

When choosing first of all, pay attention to the education of a doctor. A modern doctor is a specialist with a higher profile education. Exclude from the list of potential candidates of doctors without higher education, who graduated from a dubious university and have a specialization that is different from the necessary. Experience and work experience, of course, add a rating to the doctor. But it happens that a young specialist, as they say, is a “doctor from birth”, and the doctor who wise with experience does not know at all in the course of modern medical innovations. Qualification is a more significant argument in favor of a specialist. There are 3 categories:

  1. The second. To get this qualification category, the doctor needs to work at least 3 years in the specialty and protect the report on the work done, undergo special testing.
  2. For the first category, the experience of at least 7 years and the passage of the certification commission are required.
  3. The highest category provides for 10 years of length of service and interview.
  4. Doctors with a degree of candidate or doctor of sciences, pedagogical (associate professor) should be preferred in a complex, in terms of diagnosis, case. Doctors with scientists and pedagogical degrees, in addition to medical practice, are engaged in scientific and teaching. They are difficult to find at the workplace, they have large lines of patients for many months ahead, and the cost of consulting such a doctor will cost many times more. But the experience, knowledge of this level of a specialist is undeniable and unconditional.
  5. An undoubted advantage will be the professional achievements of the doctor in the necessary industry of medicine: inventions, awards, publications, titles.

Patient reviews play an important role in choosing a doctor. The complexity lies in the adequate rational selection of significant and real reviews. Consider only those in which the specifics prevails: as the doctor conducted diagnostics and examination, what tests and drugs, how he responded to unforeseen circumstances, the level of surgical interventions, etc. You cannot take into account emotions, everyone has their own opinion on a specific situation.

An important role in choosing a medical worker is played by the clinic in which he works. Indeed, for highly professional diagnosis, medical manipulations and procedures, hospitalization, operations, special modern medical equipment is required. Check out the price of a medical institution. Read reviews about the clinic.

It so happens that even a highly qualified experienced doctor will not suit the patient on personal qualities. It is possible to find out compatibility only with personal communication of the doctor and the patient. Sometimes the gender of a specialist plays an important role, determine for yourself how important this aspect is for you. Between the patient and the doctor should be the atmosphere of complete trust, mutual understanding, correctness and tranquility - these are signs of the correct choice of the doctor from a psychological point of view. There are the following types of interaction between a doctor with the patient:
- collegial, based on the principle of equality;
- the style of the relationship "parent and child";
- contract, involving business relationships;
- Engineering, when the doctor fulfills his duties, pulling away from personal communication with the patient.

There are no strict rules in the choice of a specialist; the human factor has a great influence. Bake on your own intuition, experience and psychological comfort.

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