How to attach to the clinic

How to attach to the clinic

Receiving the policy of compulsory health insurance, people do not always express their desire regarding a specific medical institution in which they would like to be serviced. In this case, attachment to the clinic occurs automatically at the place of registration. However, circumstances may change: perhaps you moved or dissatisfied with the quality of service. Then you should learn how to attach to the clinic that you have chosen.

According to Article 21 Federal law "On the basis of the health of citizens' health in the Russian Federation", You have the right to choose at your own discretion, for which medical institution will be consolidated. This may be a clinic both at the address of the registration or by the actual place of residence and any other consulting department.

In the case of when you are going to be serviced in the organization not at the place of residence, you should receive consent from its representatives. If Dr. Clinic is overloaded with work, you have the right to refuse.


To attach to the clinic, you will need:

  • application in the name of the head doctor;
  • insurance policy OMS and its copy;
  • passport and its copy;
  • a copy of the child's birth certificate (if necessary).

Application for attachment to the clinic You can download from our site.

Sample of the filled application for attachment to the clinic Swing here.

Over the next two days in the clinic to which you were attached earlier, send a letter with a request to confirm the data provided by you. After checking (two days allocated on it), if the information is true, you will be taken to medical care.

Medical service

At the final stage, a medical institution, followed by in the past, will be notified that you attached to the clinic at a new address. It will take this stage for three days. In general, to attach to the clinic, you will have to wait for twelve days.


Remember that you have the right to scheduled or emergency free medical care in any region. If you are illegally refused to help, you have the right to complain about the following instances: department of Health (your city), federal Fund of Mandatory Medical Insurance, federal Health Supervision Service.

Federal Health Supervision Service

If your request to attach to the clinic did not satisfy without justifying the reasons, require a written failure. It is easier to prove the illegal actions of the medical institution staff.

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