How tuberculosis is passed

How tuberculosis is passed

Tuberculosis is a fairly common infectious disease, affecting the internal organs of breathing, liver tissue, kidney, bones and joints. Each year in the world, 3 million deaths are recorded from this ailment. To protect yourself and your loved ones, it is important to know the main sources of infection with a cunning disease.

How Tuberculosis is passed

The main source of infection is a person who is sick of an open form flowing into the lungs. The causative agent is a koch wand, which stands out with the sputum. Infection of a closed form is rarely, and possibly only with a long use of one kitchenware with sick and overall life. The most common path of mycobacteria from a sick person is a drip. It is almost impossible to infected with handshakes, hugs and touches is almost impossible.

How the tuberculosis is transmitted by air-droplet

It is this form of infection that infects a healthy person. Microscopic koch bacterium is able to be distributed with the discharge of respiratory tract during sneezing and the patient's cough for a distance of more than one meter. To be with an infected person closer than this distance is extremely dangerous.

The air-dust source - the pathogen enters the environment with sputum. Infected discharges dry on furniture, road, clothing and settle in the form of infected dust. Mycobacterium has stable immunity to low temperatures and weather conditions, which gives it the ability to wait for its owner to several weeks.

The penetration of sticks inside the body does not always lead to instant progression of the disease. If a person has a healthy immune system that can give a worthy response of infection, the vital activity of mycobacteria is blocked, and it is in a "sleeping state". But, as soon as the immunity decreases, against the background of such factors, both - stress, HIV, ARZ, diabetes or oncology, the wand instantly activates its viability and begins to develop.

How to pass tuberculosis through touch and food

Holistic human skin has good resistance against the influence of the pathogen. However, the situation changes with open wounds.

  • Medicine is known cases of transmission of tuberculosis during the milking of infected cows, when milk falls on damaged brushes.
  • The risk group includes judicial experts and pathologists working with corpses infected with tuberculosis.

Through food, a man is infected with the consumption of the products of an infected animal - meat, milk, sour cream, fat, cream, etc. A source of self-response is also distributed - the peeling tuberculosis swallows its own infected wet, the spreading stick throughout the body, causing outside the pulmonary tuberculosis of the liver, kidneys, lymph nodes.

How to pass tuberculosis in the womb

Many are concerned about the question - is it transmitted by tuberculosis to a child genetically? No, not transmitted, as this acquired disease caused by penetrating bacterium. The fetal infection in the womb is possible only at the most launched stage of the disease occurring. Transmission Possible:

  • When destroying and damageing the features of the placenta.
  • During the delivery.
  • With the close contact of the mother and baby after delivery.

The rare infection is explained simply - the protective features of the placenta protected the fetus from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria. That is why, even in women with a launched form, healthy children may be born. Preventive measures against tuberculosis include - annual pictures of fluorography, minors regularly put Mantu, newborn children necessarily instill BCG, compliance with hygiene and careful observation of their body. Be healthy!

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