How Did Lisha is passed

How Did Lisha is passed

Among the skin diseases of a person, deprived - one of the most unpleasant, because it cannot be predicted whether all the hair will fall and do all the notlands will disappear.

Symptoms linguring

Given the fact that deprived is an inflammatory disease, it is important to know all its signs for the rapid beginning of treatment.

  • The skin on the body changes color.
  • Delicious manifests itself diverse in size and shaped stains.
  • Peeling.
  • Itching

Not every kind of damping is contagious, out of 5 species (rowing, pink, seven-shaped, sliding and red flat) are dangerous only the first four. However, as doctors noted, each person must have a healthy immune system for the greatest protection against transfer.

How Did Lisha is passed

  • In direct contact with infected skin - any touch.
  • Using the subject of personal hygiene of a person having a deprive - calculated, towel.
  • Touching household subjects - handles from doors and handrails in transport.
  • Especially dangerous for people touching the wool sickly deprive animals, because a ringless deprived is transmitted from the animal to a person.

As can be seen, it is easy enough to pickle deprived. Yet, some people are particularly predisposed to this dermatological disease and should pay more attention to the above-mentioned signs.

  • Those of the types of depriving, which are fungal, can be infected in places with high humidity - pools, deep raw basements.
  • Pick up a ringless deprived is possible with a direct touch with an infected person or animal. It is treated until two months.
  • Good immunity will not give me a pink deprived, because This type of infectious-allergen is not too infectious. However, infected, you can tighten the treatment for a period of 2 weeks to 4 months.
  • Shingles is the most contagious - passed through a kiss, handshake, personal items and it is herpety, and also causes some pain. It is treated for 7-10 days.

In each individual case, physician should be called and taking prescribed medicines in order to avoid any complications.

Prevention of linga

For prophylaxis deprivation, you need:

  • Do not forget myself and teach children to always wash your hands after they visited public places.
  • Use bactericidal means.
  • Have your own personal hygiene.
  • Immunity is supported by vitamins, good nutrition and mood.

Lishe refers to non-hazardous dermatological diseases, but it can bring unpleasant sensations. Each person at any time when suspected of depriving can and should appeal to a doctor for rapid treatment.

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