How is the ultrasound prostate

How is the ultrasound prostate

Ultrasound of prostate Our men do mainly when the doctor prescribers the procedure. But this medical manipulation should be done for prevention to not miss any disease. Moreover, the ultrasound study of the internal male body is completely painless.

How is the ultrasound prostate - ways

Doctors make an ultrasound study with only two ways.

Uzi Abdominal

With this study, the patient falls on his back to the couch. A man must free the belly, i.e. Fit trousers and underwear. The doctor puts on the surface of the abdomen and groin a special gel, which is a conductor of ultrasonic waves. Then the universal sensor is applied to the stomach, which when moving through the body, transmits pulses to the connected monitor. On the monitor, the doctor sees the photo of the prostate gland and estimates its condition.

This method is not too informative, because iron is deep in the groin area and ultrasound waves are not very good for it.

Transrectal ultrasound

This study of a man is not very fond of, because it is carried out through the rear pass. But if the doctor prescribes the procedure, then it is better to do it in this way. The transrectal ultrasound is very informative, because the sensor is near the gland and the waves perfectly read its condition. The image is also transmitted to the monitor screen.

For a transrectal ultrasound study, the doctor will offer a patient to free himself from trousers and panties. Then the man stacked on the couch on the left side (anal hole to the doctor) and mans his legs under the stomach. The specialist introduces a special thin cylindrical sensor in the rear passage, deepening inside 2 cm. The sensor necessarily dresses a condom. Cressing the sensor to the inner surfaces of the anal hole, the doctor determines the state of the gland.

As prostate ultrasound is done - preparation for the procedure

Preparing for the implementation of ultrasound by both ways is to fill the bladder. The patient must be a 1 hour before the study, drink as much ordinary water as possible so that the bubble is full. The filled bladder will not give the gland to move aside when the sensor approaches it through the wall of the abdomen or anal hole.

If a transrectal ultrasound is prescribed to the patient, then it also shows cleansing enema. The enema must be made on the eve and in the morning, 3-4 hours before the study.

How is the ultrasound prostate - normal indicators

Prostate ultrasound ends with a description of this study. Normal indicators are considered:

  • The thickness of the gland is from 1.6 to 2.6 cm.
  • The width of the gland is from 2.7 to 4.2 cm.
  • The length of the gland is from 2.4 to 4.0 cm.
  • Form - gland - symmetric (triangular or oval).
  • The location is behind the bladder.

This study is carried out in suspected prostatitis, tumors, male infertility, impotence. If a man is experiencing difficult urination, frequent urge to the toilet, pain at the bottom of the abdomen, problems in intimate life - it is necessary to make an ultrasound prostate.

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Victor 10/04/2020 at 6:22

Recently, regularly I go to such an ultrasound to keep track of health. Recently, the problems were .. there was a long time and tedious, so I don't want to repeat. In mandatory, Licopean from Evalar accept (I order phytomarket in the online store, so it is more profitable) and a healthy lifestyle began to lead ... Ugh TFU, everything is in order))

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