How to collect common urine analysis

How to collect common urine analysis

Treating any disease or simply preventive medical examination provide for the delivery of some mandatory tests. One of them is a general urine analysis. According to him, the doctor can define not only deviations in the work of the urogenital system, but also other not related to this system, disease.

How to collect common urine analysis - body preparation

Urine for general analysis must be collected early in the morning immediately after waking up. In order for the analysis to be correct, it is prohibited on the eve of the evening:

  • use brightly colored vegetables and berries (beets, blueberries, carrots, cherry), exotic and acidic fruits (oranges, lemons, tangerines, green apples), sharp and smoked foods, mineral water;
  • take vitamins, antibiotics, antipyretic and diuretics;
  • sex.

Also, the day of passing urine should not be engaged in active sports activities or make heavy physical work. Strong loads can lead to the fact that protein can be detected in the urine. Women who go on the day of passing monthly, the analysis is better to postpone before their end.

How to Collect General Urine Analysis - Selection of Tara

Urine must be collected in a clean dry container. Previously, mayonnaise jars or bottles from saline were used, now a special plastic container can be bought in any pharmacy. If a person does not have the opportunity to purchase a pharmaceutical sterile packaging, he will have to independently prepare a jar:

  • Wash it with hot water with soda.
  • Rinse the container twice with cold water.
  • Pour 100 ml of water to the bottom and put a jar into a microwave per minute. Power to set the maximum.
  • After sterilization, pour boiling water, and put the container into a sealed plastic bag.
  • The lid for the jar is also washed out first with soda, then cold water and at the end additionally quived.
  • The lid is still stored in the package.

How to collect a common urine analysis - the collection process

In the morning, immediately after waking up, it is necessary to produce an intimate toilet. Woman should be warm water, but without soap. Well, if there is a bidet in the house. Drying is categorically prohibited.

A man when kneading genital organs needs to pay attention to the extreme flesh. It is necessary to move away to wash out the remaining remnants of the secret.

Followed by:

  • sitting on the toilet and the first portion of urine to pull into it (for this there is enough 1-2 seconds of the process);
  • substitute the prepared container under the stream and fill it in about 50-150 ml;
  • container close the lid;
  • fully empty the bladder in the toilet.

The method described above is advised to pass by urine almost all doctors - with it, only the average portion of urine is for analysis. This method is described in a "memo for patients on the rules for preparing for the delivery of urine and kala", which is posted in the information letter of the Ministry of Health of February 22, 2005 for # 5. But the National Standard of the Russian Federation (GOST R 53079.4 -2008), which describes the technologies of laboratory clinical analyzes, provides a completely different procedure. The document suggests that the morning urine should be fully assembled, then thoroughly mixed and only then cast a portion for analysis (the same 50-150 ml). The question of this or that way is to clarify the doctor who prescribes this analysis.

How to collect a common urine analysis - delivery time to the laboratory

If the patient gives a general urine analysis, being in a hospital treatment in the hospital, it's not worth worrying about the delivery time in the laboratory. This will make employees of a medical institution. And if urine has to be assembled at home, then bring it to the laboratory you need 1.5-2 hours after collecting. Before departure from the house, the container with urine should be stored in the refrigerator.

How to collect a common urine analysis in a child or a lying patient

Quite often, it is necessary that the urine for analysis must be collected from a child or a lying patient. They are also necessary to put it well before fence in urine.

  • The baby must be planted on a pot, which is pre-treated in the same way as the container (washing hot water with soda, rinse with cold water, and then processing boiling water). The required part of the urine then pour into the container.
  • A lying patient in the morning you need to substitute the vessel, which is prepared in the same way. From it to take away the portion to urine and fill it with a jar.

If a person recently passed the cystoscopy procedure (a deep study of the bladder with the help of a special probe), then the overall analysis of urine can be given no earlier than 7 days after the procedure performed.

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