How to take a smear in men

How to take a smear in men

If you are a man and you have for the first time in my life to hand over the smear, then this article is specifically for you. In it, you will find recommendations for the preparation for the procedure and the description of the procedure itself.

What is the smear of men

The smear in a man is taken if the doctor suspected him of any disease of the genital organs. And it is not only about venereal diseases, or as they are also called STD (sexually transmitted diseases). When analyzing the contents of the smear, not only syphilis or chlamydia can be determined, but also:

  • Prostatitis.
  • Cystitis.
  • Tumor.

The smear takes from the urethra - this is a urethra of the penis inside the penis.

What shows the smear in a man

Analysis of the smear is the simplest clinical study. The contents of the smear, and these are ordinary epithelial cells, is placed on the slide and is considered under the microscope. With the help of a magnifying glass, the laboratory technician sees whether there are in the smear:

  • purulent cells;
  • slime;
  • flat epithelium;
  • bacteria;
  • chlamydia;
  • streptockoki;
  • gonococci, etc.

The presence of certain components of the above components is called qualitative analysis of the smear.

Also, the smear gives an answer as in the initial material of leukocytes and red blood cells - this analysis is called quantitative.

Both analysis is a laboratory assistant, using one tagged smear.

How is the smear of men

Mazz in a man is taken in his condition standing or lying on the couch. At first, the doctor suggests the patient to move away the extreme flesh - the nude head gives more free access to the urethra. The doctor then introduces a sterile medical device in the urethra. It can be: bacteriological loop, a spoon of folkman or a special probe. The device is injected deep into the urethra just 2-3 cm. After that, the probe or loop presses to the inner surface of the urethra and turns slightly. When pressing and turning, epithelial cells are securely fixed on the surface of the probe. At the very end, the doctor neatly removes a medical device from the channel. The doctor has taken on the subject glass or places in a special test tube.

The whole procedure lasts 5-10 seconds and usually passes painlessly. A small pain may occur with very strong inflammation and extinguishing in the channel of edema mucous membranes.

How to prepare for the smear of men

Preparing a man to take a smear comes down to the following:

  • For two for the analysis, it is necessary to stop sex life.
  • On the day of the seizure of the smear you can not take a shower or bath.
  • The last trip to the toilet "on the little" should occur 2 hours before the taking of the smear.

If a man takes any antibiotics, then he must inform the Doctor. It is possible that the doctor will cancel them for a while that the analysis is reliable.

After taking a smear in the urethra can be observed light discomfort. This is a completely normal phenomenon - discomfort will disappear within a few hours.

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