Urine sowing pot - how to hand

Urine sowing pot - how to hand

Bakposev urine is an important analysis to help reveal the pathogenic microflora in the organs of the genitourinary system and assign appropriate treatment. How to donate urine on bakposposev we will tell in this article.

Tank Sowing urine - Indications for surcharge

Cases when it is required to hand over the urine on bapposev, there is a lot:

  • Such an analysis is often carried out with preventive purposes. For example, Bakposev urine must make children before entering a kindergarten, as well as those who are working to work in certain industries: in children's institutions or in the sphere of catering. Bakposposev allows you to identify the presence of staphylococci, fungi, helminths and different other causative agents.
  • Indication to the delivery of Bakposev is pregnancy. Moreover, women in the position pass such a procedure at least twice: when registering and before the birth themselves.
  • Bakposposev is often taken in patients who are difficult to make a diagnosis or not helping the designated treatment. Such analysis allows you to determine whether pathogenic pathogens are sensitive to prescribed drugs.
  • Direct testimony for urine taking on bacteriological sowing is such diagnoses as pyelonephritis, urethritis, cystitis.
  • People with diabetes are prescribed such an analysis is also quite often, since the urine containing an elevated level of sugar is a beneficial environment for reproduction of all sorts of fungi and microorganisms.

How to donate bapposev urine

To get reliable results, you need to adhere to certain rules:

  • Tara to collect urine on bacteriological sowing must necessarily be sterile clean. Today, special plastic containers are sold in pharmacies, it is better and used for such purposes. Those containers that you find at home, even in a purely washed sterility, you will not be able to guarantee.
  • At least one day before the analysis is better not to use alcohol, too fat, salt and smoked food, as well as no drugs. Many sweets and too acidic food too.
  • Morning urine is taken for Bakposev.
  • Before implementing the procedure, it is necessary to preach to wash the area of \u200b\u200bthe urogenital system with warm water, without using any antibacterial agents. Instead of soap, it is possible, for example, to use a non-confidential solution of furaticiline - 1 tablet on 500 ml of water.
  • For analysis, you need to dial the so-called average portion of urine into the container. This means that you first need to merge a little in the toilet, then dial about 50 ml into the jar, the rest also merge into the toilet.
  • It is desirable to take analysis to the laboratory as soon as possible. It can not be exhausted longer than 2 hours, while transporting to try to minimize shake, do not expose to temperatures.

Urine sowing pot - urine study in the laboratory

In the laboratory, the biomaterial is investigated within 7 days. At this time, the urine is placed in conditions favorable for the growth of bacteria, for example, to a solution of agar-agar, broth or milky salt medium.

After a week, laborents estimate the results obtained, which are calculated in units of bacteria per 1 ml of biomaterial. It looks like that - CFU / ml, and the results are decrypted as follows:

  • If this indicator does not exceed 1000 units, the result is adopted for negative, eliminating the presence of the disease.
  • If something / ml reaches the numbers up to 10,000 units, it gives reason to suspect a disease. To clarify the data, the urine on bapposev is reused.
  • The result can be taken for positive when something / ml exceeds 10,000 units. At this stage, they find out how the antibacterial drugs are sensitive to the pathogen.

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