How to donate a pot sowing urine

How to donate a pot sowing urine

The urine sowing tank will show the presence or absence of infections in the urinary system. The results of the analysis will help the doctor to determine the type of malicious bacteria that caused infection and their sensitivity to specific antibiotics. Note that the accuracy of the analysis results depends on the proper collection of material.

We rent a tank of urine sowing - preparation

First purchase sterile containers. If you learn in the hospital - the nurse will give a special container or laboratory flask. To prepare the examination at home are suitable:

  • sterile glass with lid. Buy it in any pharmacy;
  • a small ordinary glass jar with a lid. Well wash the jar and the cover with soap solution and dry. Do not wipe the tank for analyzing paper or towel - microbes can enter it together with the material.

The day before the examination, it is recommended to remove smoked, very salty, sweet, sour and oily food, alcoholic beverages and do not take any medicine. Do not drink a lot of fluid overnight, otherwise the concentration of bacteria in the urine will change, and the result will be inaccurate. During critical days, women cannot be taken analysis, the result will be distorted.

We rent a pot of urine sowing - what you need to do

Urine collection is carried out in the morning, after night sleep. Your actions are as follows:

  • stand in 6-7 in the morning and take a shower;
  • spend hygienic procedures of external genital organs. Take it to wash boiled warm water, but do not use any means for intimate hygiene and soap. Do not forget to wash your hands well before the procedure start;
  • send the first portion of urine to the toilet;
  • then press the sterile container. For analysis, it will take from 3 to 5 ml of fluid. For a tank of sowing, a medium portion of urine is needed - urinate in the toilet, then send a liquid into the container and again to the toilet;
  • close the container tightly cover and carry into the laboratory.

Women recommend in front of the procedure in the vagina cotton swab so that from there they do not get into the selection container. During the collection of fluid, women must ensure that the sex lips are not touched against sterile containers. The same rule for men.

We rent a pot of urine sowing - where and when to attribute analysis

Tank with material for analysis Take into the laboratory of your clinic immediately after collecting fluid. If it did not work out to go to the laboratory at once - you can take urine and later, but put a tightly closed capacity in the refrigerator. There it should begged no more than two hours. After visiting the laboratory, stock patience - the study of the material on the tank of sowing a laboratory holds within one or two weeks.

We rent a tank of urine sowing - how to make analysis

In the laboratory, a specialist transfers the resulting liquid into another container. It artificially creates a nutrient medium, which is favorable for the growth of bacteria. A whole colony grows from one microorganism. The microbiologist transfers each type of bacteria into a favorable environment for them and watches the further growth of microorganisms and how they react to different antibiotics. Based on these observations, the result of the analysis is formed, and the doctor will appoint appropriate treatment.

Do not decipher the results of the analysis on the tank of sowing yourself. The final diagnosis will put an experienced therapist, a gynecologist or urologist. The doctor will choose an effective antibacterial drug and prescribes appropriate treatment.

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