A number of strains are called conditionally pathogenic. This means that with a strong immunity, the microorganisms do not show themselves. But with the change in the conditions of the medium, they quickly become aggressive and cause ureaplasmosis, and other diseases of the sexual sphere.
Ureaplasm is a bacterium that is not visible to the armed eye. It dwells on the mucous membranes, mainly in the urinary tract. Select 2 types of biovara: Ureaplasma Parvum and Ureaplasma Urealyticum. The first representative is considered a more civilized inhabitant. They are infected with ureaplasms when sex contacts. The carrier does not recognize that he has a pathogenic microorganism. After all, symptoms often have no signs. Also, the infection occurs his mother through the generic channel, but in inflexion often occurs.- PCR - polymerase chain reaction. This is a high-quality method, i.e. As a result, it is written positively or negatively. If ureaplasm is detected, it is not yet a reason to start treated.
- Sowing and sensitivity to antibiotics. This is a quantitative method, the most informative, because gives a detailed picture picture. If microorganisms are less than 10 4 Code / tampon / ml, the treatment is not required. If more, then prescribed antibiotic therapy. At the same time, the type of antibiotic is individual, the analysis shows which medicine is effective. It is important to be treated to the end. Otherwise, ureaplasm is adapted, and the antibiotic will have to pick up again.
Before dealing with ureaplasm, it is important to undergo a survey. There is a chance that it does not harm with a strong human health. Interestingly, in the West, conditionally pathogenic organisms do not treat, not counting them dangerous.