Scraping on enterobiasis - how to take in children

Scraping on enterobiasis - how to take in children

Enterobiosis Disease People's Golossum Painted very prosaic - worms. Speaking of scientifically, enterobiosis is one of the manifestations of helminthosis, parasitic bowel damage. If you do not detect uninvited guests in time, the next point of their breeding and livelihoods will be light, liver and brain. The most reliable method of detecting helminths in children today is a scraping on enterobiosis. What it is and how the procedure is going on, now we will discuss.

Scraping on enterobiosis - certificate of illness

Enterobiosis develops when the sharp is penetrated into the child's body - small white worms. The location of their localization becomes the intestines. Eggs of causative agents of the disease are well preserved under conditions of the external environment and distributed with the help of insects and through dust. Infection occurs after contact with any surface and with a sick person.

For a long time, the disease does not appear in any way. The only disturbing "calling" in the child's condition will be itching the skin around the anal opening at night. Enterobiosis is a greater danger for the faster psyche and the overall development of the baby, threatens serious memory disorders and increased irritability. The first symptoms on which you can assume the presence of a child with a child, the following:

  • restless behavior;
  • pupidity difficulties;
  • bad sleep at night;
  • complaints on painful sensations and itching.

To confirm the diagnosis, you need to hand over the appropriate analysis and start fighting pests as early as possible. The most reliable diagnostic method is scraping, as the helminth female is active at night and crawls from the rectum to postpone the eggs around the anal hole.

Note! By the scasion, it is possible to detect only the slices. For other parasites, this method does not work.

Scraping on enterobiasis - how to take in children

The optimal time for the work of Soskob is an early morning, before the defecation and the hygienic soul. Analysis pass:

  • in any of the medical facilities;
  • at home.

If it is decided to go through the procedure in a hospital or clinic, you will not have any problems, since experts will take a small patient. It is also not difficult to make the scraping at home that is also not difficult, the main thing to trace so that the child does not empty the intestines and did not come up before the procedure. There are two options for collecting material for analysis. Before each of them wash hands with soap and put on sterile gloves.

Scraping on enterobiosis using a container for analyzes

The container means a test tube with a cotton wand inside and lid. This container is acquired in the pharmacy.

Step-by-step instructions for the fence of biological material for analysis:

  • Remove the lid from the container and get a cotton wand.
  • Suit your woven tip in glycerin or vaseline.
  • Put the child on the stomach, carefully solidate the buttocks and, not pressed much, wipe the skin around the anal opening with a cotton tip.
  • Lower the cotton wand into the container and close the capacitance with a lid.

Scrackets on enterobiosis using slide glass and adhesive tape

A set with a glass and adhesive tape is sold in a pharmacy.

Procedure for the fence of biological material for analysis:

  • Carefully delete the ribbon from the glass. It is categorically prohibited to touch its adhesive side or the surface of the glass.
  • Spread the baby's buttocks, stick the tape to the skin folds in the anal area for a few seconds.
  • Carefully delete the tape from the skin and carefully attach back to the glass surface, passing slightly.

Important! If the tip of the cotton stick or the adhesive tape is negligent, the fence of the material must be re-made a new set.

It is necessary to deliver the assembled material to the medical institution within 2 hours after taking, not later, otherwise the results of the analysis will be invalid. If the enterobiosis has not been confirmed, but the child's complaints and doubt have the parents, the scraping take another 2 times. Such a solid approach to the problem helps to detect parasites in 95% of cases.

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