How to measure pressure correctly

How to measure pressure correctly

Arterial pressure measurement is a mandatory procedure for all people, regardless of age, gender and other signs. Even a healthy person has to check its pressure from time to time not only in the walls of the medical institution at the Commission, but also at home. It is necessary to know your normal pressure, as it is slightly different from all people. You must remember how the pressure is for you, that is, at rest with good health, and what is an increased, for example, with excitement, after exercise. Write down these indicators and always update them to always be alert. Some people were less fortunate, and they are forced to constantly control their level of blood pressure. Make it necessary correctly. Learn about the details in this article.

When you can measure blood pressure

In order for you to see your true pressure, not subject to various factors, you need to choose the right time and place of measurement. Follow the tips below to correctly perform measurements:

  • First, you need to remember that before measuring the pressure you need to relax. Just sit on a chair and sit so 5-10 minutes, calm down. It is important not to think about the bad and not worry. It has long been known for the fact that when a person is worried, his pressure jumps, and the pulse is expensive. Thus, even bad news or experiences are able to affect your pressure, smoothly, as well as too raised mood.
  • It is impossible to smoke an hour before measurements.
  • In addition to rest, you need to refrain from the use of tea, coffee, carbonated drinks at least half an hour before measurements. Caffeine strongly affects your pressure, and it is contained both in tea and coffee, in many carbonated drinks by type "Cola".
  • Do not eat chocolate and too sweet desserts, baking, too, half an hour before pressure measurement. The blood sugar level is capable of changing the pulse and pressure.
  • Another important moment - you should not want to go to the toilet during measurements. Visit the restroom in advance.

By completing these simple rules, you will be ready to see your accurate pulse and blood pressure indicators.

How to measure blood pressure

As soon as you sat down at the table and took a tonometer in your hands, you are waiting for a number of new rules for which you need to act.

  • For example, you can not cross legs during pressure measurement, as well as throw one leg to another.
  • It is forbidden by the second hand to touch the hand on which the pressure is measured. The hand is better to relax and omit on the chair or foot, do not compress it and do not move.
  • Do not talk. Even if you are lively talking to a person who helps to measure pressure, it is better to stop the conversation for a few seconds, while measurements are coming.
  • Watch the tonometer's cuffs to be above the elbow to 2 or 3 centimeters, did not touch the elbow close.

  • Contrary to frequent statements that you can measure pressure through clothes is not true. Clothing, it is under the cuff, as well as squeezing with sleeves - all this is fraught with the truthfulness of your indicators.
  • Finger Tonometers are less effective, it is better to use an electronic device with cuffs for the forearm or shoulder bending.

Ideally, your condition should look like this: you are relaxed, rested, you do not disturb anything from the outside. Feet stand on the floor straight, relaxed, the hand bent in the elbow and lies on the table, it does not squeeze clothes. The second hand is also relaxed and is on your feet. You do not talk to the assistant and do not prevent him from producing measurements.

Write your performance and keep the notebook with the data at hand. She can come in handy and play an important role in the future.

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