Ultrasound of a small pelvis in women - how to prepare

Ultrasound of a small pelvis in women - how to prepare

Ultrasound organs small tasaone from basic methods diagnostics state  feminine health, which the enjoy big popularity. Study ultrasound is an harmless, painless and informative fashion research internal organs women, which the allows define and reveal possible deviations or pathology v her organism. To receive reliable results research, woman important know, what methods held and how prepare to this method. diagnostics.

Ultrasound organs small tasa

Study ultrasound held next basic ways:

  • Transvaginal Ultrasound (interior ultrasound).
    For research data method used vaginal sensor, which the introduced in vagina. Used how v gynecology, so and v urology.
  • Transabdominal Ultrasound (external ultrasound).
    Study organs women conduct with help external sensor across abdominal wall. Moving sensor, doctor determines form, density, the size the studied organ and gets most informative picture state internal organs patients. The method Ultrasound recommended pregnant, a also women in time menses or at uterine bleeding.
  • Transrectal Ultrasound (interior ultrasound).
    Study held sensor across introduction his v straight gut. Maybe appoint young girls.

What kind
diseases and pathology can reveal with help Ultrasound of a small pelvis

Study ultrasound gives full picture state internal organs women, allows in a timely manner reveal pathology, a also define ability to conception and tooling child, define term pregnancy and condition fruit.

WITH help Ultrasound doctor maybe detect such problems how:

  • endometriosis;
  • mioma;
  • polycystic  or cyst ovarian;
  • detect tumor neoplasms;
  • availability inflammatory processes v makekey or ovaries.

In a timely manner set diagnosis with help Ultrasound allows how can quicker proceed to treatment and elimination problems with feminine health.

organs small tasa w. womenhow right prepare

To receive reliable diagnosis from conducted research, female should prepare per several days before conduct procedures:

  • Compliance diet. Per two day before passing Ultrasound necessary exclude from ration products nutrition, capable call active gas formation v intestines. Such how: legumes, cabbage, milk and equalometer beverages.
  • V day passing Ultrasound necessary empty intestines, v case necessible use clizm.
  • For elimination gas recommended accept activated coal or Enzystal.
  • At transabdomomominal Ultrasound patient recommended per half an hour before conduct surveys drink liter clean water. Full filling urea bubble will allow dr. reveal all deviations sO parties urogenital systems.

better pass Ultrasound small tasa?

If you planning do preventive survey, pass Ultrasound can v any day menstrual cycle. Exceptioncritical days, when Ultrasound not held. V case, if to Ultrasound there is indications doctor or detected symptoms, which indicate on pathology, study ultrasound maybe appoint v any day. Most. favorable day cycle for research organs small tasa women consider 56 days cycle. For definitions state ovarian or yellow body doctor maybe assign repeated Ultrasound on 14 or 21 day cycle.
For diagnostation pregnancy recommended pass Ultrasound across 23 weeks after delay monthly. Pregnancy term 46 weeks already can clearly see on screen monitor.

Preparation to Ultrasound organs small tasanecessary condition for relief conduct research ultrasound and receipt accurate result scanning, whom follow stick to each woman.

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