How to calculate ovulation with an irregular cycle

How to calculate ovulation with an irregular cycle

Almost all women are well known for the fact that the regular cycle is the key to good health and the successful conception of the baby, however, not all girls have a clear and defined cycle, even if they are not sick and regularly attend the doctor. If you feel about this number of women, then, first of all, you need to pass a number of analyzes and make sure that your health is in order. The causes of failures in the cycle can be hormonal disorders, endocrine diseases, cysts in ovaries, frequent stress, uterine erosion and a number of problems. When you are going to become a mother and conceive a child, then women's health becomes above all, because pregnancy and childbirth must pass without flaws. Learn how to calculate your ovulation in this article.

How to calculate ovulation with an irregular cycle: ovulation tests

Technologies do not stand still, and now future mothers can make tests for ovulation right at home. A small device resembles pregnancy tests and determines the level of substances and hormones in the body. The complexity of its application is that it is necessary to approximately understand what day the cycle is used. With an irregular cycle, a woman hardly can calculate the days preceding ovulation, however, you can stock up with several tests to make it a few days in a row.

Follow your body and sensations to start checking. Even with an irregular cycle, you can experience obvious symptoms of the impending ovulation.

As with an irregular cycle, calculate ovulation: control on ultrasound

Many family planning centers can offer such a service. The essence of the method is that with the help of the ultrasound, the doctor watches the growth of the follicle. As soon as it reaches the desired size, which is approximately 20 mm, the doctor will notify you about the impending one on the day of ovulation.

To date, the ultrasound scanning to determine ovulation is the most accurate method with an irregular cycle. Following the growth of the follicle, the doctor can exactly say on what day you can count your ovulation, and when it is better to wait with conception. In addition, the ultrasound can immediately conduct a preventive inspection of your ovaries and uterus.

As with an irregular cycle, calculate ovulation: body temperature

The basal temperature of the woman changes during a cycle of almost two degrees. In some women, this gap is much more, others have a oscillation of 0.3 - 0.5 degrees. Purchase a special thermometer in the pharmacy and measure the temperature through the oral cavity. It is necessary to do it strictly at the same time.
Get yourself a cycle diary in which you will record your temperature daily. After 2-3 months of observations, you will learn what day what day it corresponds, and most importantly, what degrees have your ovulation.

As with an irregular cycle, calculate ovulation: watch your body

Even with the failures in the cycle you can have various symptoms of the impending ovulation:

  • Vaginal allocations become more abundant and acquired a completely transparent shade.
  • The back and bottom of the belly can weakly whine as during menstruation.
  • Libido increases itself.
  • In the evenings you rises the temperature.
  • Increased sensitivity of genitals and chest.

Even one symptom can be learn to identify the upcoming ovulation and apply a special test, which was mentioned in the first paragraph of the article, or contact the doctor to inspect the ultrasound.

Do not forget about planned gynecological examinations, and never leave discomfort without attention not to miss important and serious problems with the female genital system.

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