How to prepare for FGDS

How to prepare for FGDS

FGDS or, as it is also called, FGS is a serious examination that can identify many inflammation, diseases and bleeding. This survey is the only one in its own way, as it allows the doctor to look at the stomach through the endoscope and see with its own eyes the condition of your body. Since the procedure implies some trauma and direct entry of the endoscope in the stomach, you will be asked to respect the special regime a few days before FDS. It is very important to stick to it in order to not harm yourself, as well as to ensure the most accurate results of the survey. Read the preparation recommendations and take note.

How passes FGDS

Fibrogroatroscopy passes pretty quickly, you all have several stages:

  • The doctor will correctly post you on the couch to provide quick access to the stomach and call you as much discomfort.
  • In the mouth you will whirl a special oblong ring, so as not to touch the endoscope tube to your teeth.
  • The doctor will introduce an endoscope into this tube, promoting it as smaller as possible.
  • Do not strain and do not interfere with the doctor, you need to relax and leave the throat is fixed.
  • As soon as the doctor consider the stomach, it gently gets the tube and remove the ring.

As you could already understand, the contents of the stomach can completely spoil the examination if there is food in it. The doctor will ask you not to eat at all on the day of the examination, but, as practice shows, this is not enough for some patients.

How to prepare for FGDS - diet

So that the stomach is absolutely empty, it is necessary to get ready for two days, or even before. Fully exclude such products from the diet:

  • Chocolate.
  • Bean.
  • Nuts.
  • Any foods containing animal fats.

Stay a day and a half at the postpost. The last meal must be in twelve hours before the survey. This dinner may consist of:

  • Cereals.
  • Veneered vegetables.
  • Boiled chicken breast.
  • Light soups.

Meal must be easy to quench the feeling of hunger, but not rushing. Some people are better to abandon the dairy products, raw vegetables, apples, fruits, as they can badly digest due to stomach diseases that have not yet been identified. As soon as you atheel the last time, the meal for you is prohibited before the FGDS procedure itself.

What to do before FGDS

This list can be divided conditionally into two list: what can I do and what can be done. Strictly adhere to these rules so as not to spoil your well-being.

That's what you can do:

  • Drink clean water without gases in two hours before the procedure. The volume of drinking water can not exceed the glass.
  • Early in the morning a cup of sweet tea, if no less than four hours left before the procedure.
  • Take a medicine that does not require swallowing. For example, resorpting pasteings.

Of course, it is better to give up from the water and tea, but if you do not eat for so long, then take advantage of these tips.

But it is better to refuse it:

  • Smoking. On an empty stomach, smoking can cause pressure interruptions, up to a fainted state, besides this, your vomit can intensify.
  • Tablets and medicines that need to be used inside.
  • Any lollipops are prohibited.
  • Alcohol two days before the procedure.
  • You should also reset the tension and not be afraid of FGDS.

Of course, the procedure does not seem enjoyable, but it's not worth worrying before it. Any doctor who spends it has a lot of experience behind the shoulders and will not harm you. If you honestly fulfilled all the recommendations and did not violate the rules, then there will be no complications during the procedure. In the case when you still violated something, it is better to immediately report this to the doctor, he will decide on further actions. The timely FGDC procedure is able to identify many diseases in the early stages, protecting you from the consequences and complications.

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