How to clean the stomach

How to clean the stomach

The digestion of a person is a very complex system that does not tolerate when it is poorly referred to, it is prohibitively used poor-quality, heavy, sharp, sweet food. Therefore, the digestive bodies keep many poisons, damaging the body locally and in general. If you do not care about your health that a person has one, then you can buy many problems. And there to chronic diseases not far. Slags and toxins should be displayed from time to time. The methods of cleaning the stomach are simple and accessible to every wishes to health.

How to clean the stomach cabbage

  • To clean the cabbage need a fresh white cabbage head. The desired number of leaves is repelled from the head and passes through the meat grinder or the juicer.
  • When working with a meat grinder in the final stage, it is used to separate soft impurities to separate gauze or siter.
  • Juice is prepared every time before use. You need to start with 1/4 cup. And gradually bring to 1 cup per day.
  • If the dose increases meteorism, the amount of juice consumed decreases.
  • Called can be observed color change.
  • Cabbage juice heals wounds perfectly, therefore recommended for the stomach ulcer.

How to clean the stomach garlic

  • In order to clean the stomach garlic, you should prepare garlic tincture.
  • The tincture is prepared on vodka. For the recipe takes 5 parts of vodka and 1 part of garlic.
  • Garlic head cleans from husks. Wash, rubbed on a very fine grater. If there is no grater use the garberody or a meat grinder.
  • Next to the vodka embanked outled garlic. It is left left in a dark place at room temperature. Cooking time is 1 week. Then the liquid is placed under the lid and in the refrigerator.
  • High-quality tincture has a yellowish, greenish color.
  • Drink 3 times a day. 5 drops of tincture poured into the tablespoon. Stir with a small amount of water.

How to clean the stomach soda

  • Cleansing soda lasts 3 days. This method is practicing yoga.
  • Every day consists of two stages. During cleaning, you need to stay at home.
  • First stage: 12 o'clock in the afternoon after morning reception. Second stage: at 16 pm after lunch.
  • Take 2 teaspoons of soda food and stir them in 2 liters of warm water.
  • Liquid drinks in large sips. Hold water with soda is easier when the back is smooth. It is enough 3 minutes to go to the release stage from extra liquid.
  • For this, artificially cause vomit urge. It is necessary to press the root of the tongue with clean fingers.
  • The second day also passes with the use of soda. On the third day they drink only clean water.

How to clean the stomach eggplants

  • Eggplant is useful for diseases of the stomach. To cleanse the toxins, it is enough to simply use eggplant into food boiled or stew.
  • Eggplant seeds are eliminated from mucus, malicious bacteria, worms.

How to clean the stomach diet

  • The diet is quite strict, but also effective. Milk products are excluded, buns.
  • It is also necessary to remove the fried diet as much as possible.
  • Well during this period to use eggplants, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables.
  • In order for the body to feel saturated after meals, it is important to carefully chew food.
  • Completely removed from the diet of sugar sand and fruit juices.
  • Duration diet from 7 to 14 days.
  • Combine with the use of coniferous, chamomile, lime, mint tea.

How to clean the stomach cheese

  • To prepare tea for cleansing the freshest coniferous needles are taken.
  • The decoction is not a tincture, so it acts only 24 hours.
  • Coniferous needles are clean under running water and poured boiling water, with a calculation of a portion of 2 cups.
  • Next, all this is boiled on a small heat for 10 minutes. You can drink after cooling for 1 day.

Cleaning the stomach will help increase well-being, reduce skin rashes, improve digestion. Cleaning should be done with the appearance of such symptoms: constipation, bloating, diarrhea, frequent colds. The best option for cleansing will establish proper nutrition. This is adding to the diet of fruits, vegetables, balanced proteins, carbohydrates, fats. Also, an important role is played by the use of water. On the day you need to drink about 2 liters of clean water. It is important not to overeat, consulating boiled cereals, minimize fried dishes. Arrange unloading days in the middle of the week.

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Galya 03/12/2018 at 13:03

I never understood that it means to "clean the stomach or intestine" expression while myself did not encounter long-term constipation during pregnancy. Well, even though I managed to get rid of it, I took a fitting of the norms and every day we saw a boiler with prunes. Pah pah, now there are no such problems, and the need for the exemption of the intestine too)

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