How to clean the body of toxins

How to clean the body of toxins

How we feel and look, depending on the condition and health of our body. Throughout life there is a gradual accumulation of toxins - an inevitable process that is associated with a poor environment, the use of harmful food, poor water quality and a sedentary lifestyle. Slagging of the body leads to poor health, irritability and fatigue, the skin becomes grayish hue, and his hair fade. To be healthy and look good, it is necessary to periodically clean your body of toxins. How to regain a healthy look and feel great?

The main stages of purification from slags

Before cleaning the body of toxins, it is important to observe poocherednost purification process. Consider the basic steps of cleaning:

  • intestines;
  • liver;
  • kidney;
  • vessels;
  • joints.

It is recommended to pass the examination, consult with your doctor and do an ultrasound of the liver and kidneys. Upon detection of stones in the kidney or liver cleansing is strictly forbidden. It is not necessary to release the body of toxins pregnant and lactating women.

How to clean toxins from the bowel

The first thing that needs to be cleaned - the intestines. It was his slags leads to constipation, flatulence, poor health and a feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the abdomen.

What are some ways you can clean the intestines:

  • The use of enemas - getting rid of toxins in the colon.
  • Water - in the process of cleaning it is necessary to drink about 2 liters a day to clear all the organs and tissues.
  • The use as a laxative magnesium sulfate - saline which draws water into the intestine and blurs all chronic deposits on its walls. All the toxins go naturally.
  • Should be included in the diet of foods containing crude fiber: bran, oats, raw vegetables, and dairy products for the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to clean the slag from the liver

The liver is the main filter, which purifies the body from toxic and harmful substances, taking the brunt of themselves. Therefore, the next step of cleaning the body - purify liver. There are a number of methods of disposal of wastes in the liver. The easiest way - to clean the liver water. Before going to bed drink a laxative tea. And in the morning, staying in bed, to drink 0.5 cups of mineral water. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe liver is necessary to put a warm heating pad. Repeat the cleaning procedure for a week.

How to clean toxins from the kidney

Clear kidneys from slag and accumulated salts can improve urine flow through them. For washing renal used:

  • Fresh birch sap. Purification of birch sap is overdue in the spring. You need to drink 3 glasses for 12 days.
  • Tincture of corn stigmas (1 tablespoon of herbs to 1.5 cups of boiling water). Infuse a decoction 2 hour. Take tincture before meals 0.5 glass.
  • Watermelon diet. A wonderful tool to clean the kidneys.
  • Drinking fresh vegetable juices. Useful carrot, beetroot, squash and pumpkin juice.

Cleaning the blood of toxins and blood vessels

It is necessary to purify the blood cholesterol, excess of which in the vascular wall has a negative impact on our health. To do this, drink a glass of boiling water fasting 0.5 tsp soda and 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice. The next day, drink a decoction of the herb collection.

Take equal parts, pour a glass of boiling water and insist the following herbs:

  • strawberries;
  • currant;
  • oregano;
  • thyme;
  • clover.

Cleaning joints of toxins

The best means of cleaning the joints - body cleansing rice, brown brown better.

Rice purification scheme:

  • It is necessary to take five cups in the first pour 2 tbsp rice and fill it with water.
  • On the second day fill pour rice and water, a second cup, and changing the water into the first bowl. Thus filled with 5 cups.
  • On the sixth day, in the morning, the first cup of the rice is washed and cook until the liquid slurry state, without adding salt. After breakfast with rice can not eat for 4 hours.
  • The empty cup again fill with rice, fill with clean water and put in the queue cups.

The purpose of cleaning rice - rice porridge to eat 40 cups. It should be remembered that the rice is not only cleans joints and removes toxins, it also washes out the nutrients, so it is recommended in parallel with the cleaning to take vitamins with potassium.

Observing alternately all stages of cleaning the body, in a short time you will feel the extraordinary ease of the body, notice the improvement of all organs, and will also leave extra kilograms.

Comments leave a comment
Tanya 06/10/2018 at 14:20

For detoxification, I recently dug a course of alpha lipoic acid and tinctures on Salfa, I can advise it and all those who have decided to do)) I feel now a light empty-really somehow better feel like it became easier)

Varya 20/11/2018 at 12:11

Several times a year for preventive courses Tea Evalar Bio for cleansing the body. It has a soft, which is very important if during the course you work a diuretic and a relaxing effect. Do not fly to the toilet with a swallow (((. You begin better discomfort in the stomach, and we lose a little in the weight.


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