How to clean the liver

How to clean the liver

The liver performs a large number of functions in the body, the most important of which is to control the metabolism. Violation of the liver work negatively affects the condition of the body and affects the appearance - color and condition of the skin.

What do you need to clean the liver?

The liver is a kind of filter, neutralizing harmful metabolic products that fall into our body with food, air, when contact with skin. At the same time, some substances can accumulate in the liver - salts of heavy metals, toxins, glycogen, etc., damaging its work.

As a result, there is a decrease in the absorption of nutrients, which enter the body with food, the person suffers from frequent headaches, the failures of the urogenital system. The violation of the liver function affects the psychological state in the form of chronic fatigue, reduce performance, mood drops, depression.

Methods of cleaning the liver

The natural cleaning of a healthy liver occurs daily by highlighting bile. Therefore, one of the methods of stimulation will be the use of choleretic agents.

Golden drugs

A group of drugs whose action is aimed at activating education, dilution and bile removal:

  • Alloholl.contains v composition activated coal, extract nettle, bile acid. except stimulating education and prota bile, a drug helps digestion. Well reception make up Z.4 weeks, with repetition Z. times v year.
  • Nikodinpossessed pronounced antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, choleretic action. Duration reception2Z. weeks.
  • Olymethinecapsules drug contain v composition vegetable oil (olive, list mint.), reduce tone biliary paths, improving outflow bile. Dosage reception1 capsule Z. times v day front food v flow 12 months. A drug contraindicated at hepatitis, cirrhosis, ulcery diseases stomach and duodenal kiska.
  • Sorbitte and xylitisstimulate ejection bile, remote soft laxative action. Recommended dose10%-j. solution on 50 ml Z. times v day duration 1Z. month.
  • Sulfate magnesiumfor byver cleaning liver recommended reception 20%-gO solo drug on 1 art. spoon in the morning natoskom v flow 10 days.

Natural means

Some healing plants contain as part of essential oils, vitamins, flavonids and are able to provide antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, as well as increase the selection of bile, thinning it and removing the spasms of the biliary tract.

  • Immector, mint, yarrow, chicoral, chicory, rosehip can be used as vegetable choleretics tools.
  • Stimulate bile outflow and toxin output will help the use of greenery with a bitter taste - Salad Cress, Feld Salad, arugula, Green Sheet Mustard, Dandelion Leaves.
  • Pumpkin, zucchini, beets, carrots, all kinds of cabbage, artichokes have a good choleretic effect.
  • Mineral water has a positive effect on the digestion system, and also helps cleaning the liver. For the healing effect, it is enough to drink one glass of magnesian sulfate mineral water in half an hour before meals.


This drug group, the action of which is aimed at improving the body's stability to harmful effects, enhancing the processes of exchanging slags and toxins, restoring liver cells. Most of these means contains a distillate extract.

  • Essentialy - Contains phospholipitis, vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids, contributes to the exchange of fats. Duration of reception - up to z months.
  • Carsilrecommended at sharp and chronic forms hepatitis A, cirrhosis liver. Duration treatment depends from type and degree diseases.
  • HepMERCcontains amino acid ornithine, responding per synthesis urea. Contraindicated at acute renal insufficiency.
  • Heptral - has a regenerating effect on the liver tissue, stimulates bile outflow.

In addition to the reception of choleretic drugs, a gentle diet should be observed, including whole grain porridges, fermented milk products, fresh fruits and vegetables (at least 500-700 g per day). Alcohol has a negative effect on the liver in any form, overeating, fried dishes, semi-finished products, sweet abuse.

Comments leave a comment
Catherine 07/16/2018 at 23:03

Who can advise an inexpensive and efficient drug for the liver, Dad asks to bring him. And then they have a poor choice of drugs in the province of Sovm.

To answer
Nina Kareeva 07/17/2018 at 15:43.

Catherine, I took the sessyla fort for the liver, my doctor recommended him as not a particularly expensive drug, but rather effective. He really helped me, I feel better to feel better, so I would be glad if my experience would be helpful.

To answer
Andrey 08/08/2018 at 22:43.

I myself accept the course of the gapatoprotector, only the other, the legalon is called. Oh, and I was bad after several days of alcohol, but nothing, I already took my hands, I feel better, the day after tomorrow I want to go to work.

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