Cystitis is called the inflammation of the bladder, which is accompanied by characteristic symptoms. The main cause of pathology is a bacterial infection. How to deal with the disease and modern methods of treatment will be discussed below.
How to find out what you cystitis?
The disease has signs based on which, it can be concluded that you can cystitis. These include:
- frequent urge to urination;
- the emptying of the bladder passes painfully (cut, itching, burning);
- urine, due to impurities of purulent discharge, becomes muddy;
- blood bodies in Urin may be present;
- in progression of the disease, heat, temperature, weakness may appear.
In the chronic course of the disease, cystitis has less pronounced symptoms.
How to treat cystitis in women?
Most often, the cause of the development of cystitis in women is an infectious damage, so the main treatment is directed to the destruction of pathogenic microflora. Best of all, the antibiotics of the group of fluorochinols are coping with this task. They are prescribed by a specialist, after confirmation of the diagnosis.
In the presence of a specific pathogen, drugs of the next spectrum of action can be used:
- antiviral;
- antifungal.
For the removal of symptoms, you can take antispasmodics, antipyretic, analgesics. On average, with adequate treatment, it is possible to get rid of the disease in 7-12 days. As an additional treatment, it is possible to use traditional medicine (dishassment of medicinal herbs, infusions, etc.)
What needs to be done when the appearance of sharp symptoms of cystitis?
If symptoms of cystitis are found, in addition to the reception of drugs, it is possible to help yourself as follows:
- drink as much liquid as possible, it contributes to the "washing" of the bacteria from the blade;
- take advantage of the heating, it is adjusted at the bottom of the abdomen, between the legs;
- observe bed regime, the more rest, the faster the disease will retreat;
- recover your diet, give up salt, sour, sharp.
Medicinal preparations for the treatment of cystitis in women
Major drugs, with which the treatment of cystitis can be divided into two large groups.
1. Antibiotics. They are prescribed after identifying an infectious agent. To the most common drugs of this group in combating cystitis use:
- Nitroxoline.
- Nolycin.
- Palin.
- Amoxylav.
- Ciprofloxacin.
- Furagin.
- Furadonin.
2. Phytopreparations. These are medicinal products made of natural components of plant origin. They are used if the disease occurs in a slight form or in a complex with antibiotics. The widely discharged includes:
- Cyston.
- Kanefron.
- Phytolysin.
Antismolitics can be discharged to remove the pain syndrome - but-shpa, ibuprofen, analgin, drootaverin, etc.
How to treat cystitis in women at home?
Custitis is an outpatient disease, which in most cases is treated at home. In addition to the reception of prescribed medicines, women need to:
- Observe bedding under a warm blanket. If there are no blood streaks in the urine, then it is necessary to use the heating pad (on the bottom of the abdomen).
- Avoid supercooling. Legs should always be warm. This will reduce the manifestation of the disease in the form of discomfort in the crotch.
- Drinking as much warm tea, horses, herbal decoctions (nettle, birch kidneys, tolnaya). Coffee is completely excluded.
- Stick to a diet. You need to eat vegetables, fruits, dairy products. No spices, pickles, marinades.
Acute cystitis with improper treatment can become chronic. Therefore, there should be no self-medication and self-appointment. Adequate help of a specialist and prevention of the disease will help you forget about cystitis forever.