Than to treat cystitis in women

Than to treat cystitis in women

Cystitis is a very unpleasant disease for every woman, with which she came across at least once. It is necessary to assimilate that inaction of anything good will not lead and tighten with treatment. If the first signs appeared, you should be on the check. After all, with such problems, ordinary life is completely intended, it is difficult to work and the mood is not that. Frequent visits to the toilet and pain during urination are precursors cystitis.

Treatment cystitis at home

  • Watch, if in the urine blood, and the doctor does not work at the moment, then fall into bed and put the heating on the hearth pain. Next increase fluid intake. Drink purified water, cranberry, brushing juice, Morse up to 2.5 liters per day. Completely excluded coffee drinks, alcohol in any form, teas consume only weak and with the addition of milk.
  • It is not bad to prepare ragners of the following herbs: birch kidneys, tocheries, oats, nettle (small bleeding). Excellent when there is an herbal collection at hand, such a lot is sold in pharmacy points. Drops of Uriassane, Uronhephron, Kanefron are purchased. These are diuretic products on herbs, relieve inflammation.
  • Compliance with diet: It is recommended to exclude from the diet: fried, sharp, oily, canned, pickled, smoked, concentrated broths and mushroom Navar. Namely such products: cauliflower, horseradish, radish, tomatoes, tomato juice, sorrel, sour fruits. Divide food reception 5 times, using a little.
  • Turn on in the diet: low-fat fish and meat, grapes, pumpkin, watermelon, cucumbers, melon, white cabbage, honey, whole-grain porridge, 1 egg per day, kefir, cottage cheese.
  • Publisops provoke the development of cystitis, when observing rarely discharge of the chair, the power of beetroot dishes (vinaigrette, borsch without roasted), prunes in moderate quantities, are introduced black and gray bread instead of white, prostroprious, fresh kefir, avoid sweets (chocolate, marmalade), increase drink.
  • For a period of painful state, public institutions are not visited: baths, saunas, swimming pools, showers. It is dangerous open reservoirs, houses instead of bathing a contrasting shower. Always use your soap and towel, do not wear close underwear.

Treatment of cystitis of folk medicine

  • Buckle rose rose roots - detailed roots 2 tbsp. Pour 350 ml boiling water, pecking 15 minutes. And insisted in a thermos about 2 hours. Stretch through a sieve, drink 4 times a day before taking food on 1/2 cup.
  • Lamberry leaves - detail leaves and pour 1 glass of boiling water in a thermos. Divide on 4 receptions per day.
  • Horsetail of field and chamomile - equally mix two types of herbs (1 tsp), brewed in a thermos, insist 1 h. And distribute 3 glasses a day before meals.
  • Korni Aira - 1 tsp. Ground root pour 1 cup boiling water, insist 20 min. Drink this number of infusion all day 1/4 of a 30 min. before meals.
  • Petrushki Seeds 20 g, Tolkins leaves 30 g Pour 400 ml with cold water for 6 hours. After time, boil and cook for 5 minutes, strain. Consume a glass of gradually all day.
  • Aspen kidneys with vodka 1:10 Soast 2 weeks in the cellar, drink 20 drops before food.
  • A mixture of honey and celery, cedar nuts and honey - to take separately every day during treatment and for prevention.
  • St. John's wort - 1 tbsp. Pour 1 st-m boiling water and drink 50 g each time in food.

Treatment of cystitis medicines

  • Monulele - antibiotic, removes urinary tract infections. There is in granules, suspensions and powder. It has a prolonged action.
  • Furagin - an antibiotic has a relatively low price, a course of treatment up to 10 days, depending on gravity.
  • Furadonin - antimicrobial agent, low price, good effect.
  • Rulid is a strong antibiotic, prescribed only by doctors, as there are many side effects in the instruction.

In the current active conditions of life, a woman breaks out into the clinic to the doctor is not so simple, but what they just do not do when circumstances are forced. For their health it is better to follow, because the disease goes into chronic and recurrent. A visit to the therapist and the consultation of the urologist will be required. It is also important to listen to your feelings. After all, the inflammation of the kidneys can join the centers and then do not avoid more serious problems.

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Zhanna 13/11/2019 at 10:19

The most common symptom is sorry, the inability to go to the toilet in a small one. My pains were so strong that I was straight crazy, sometimes to tears straight ... But this infection is such that without antibiotics can not do here. Therefore, they took them + nephrostic still, on the advice of a doctor to normalize the work of the kidneys and bladder. Apparently everything in the complex and helped ... those horrors remained behind))


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