How to get rid of cystitis

How to get rid of cystitis

According to the statistics of doctors, every tenth woman has a chronic form of cystitis. If you often start to go to the toilet and squeeze out each time it turns out less urine, and in some cases with blood. Urination is accompanied by painful sensations either under the pubic you feel drawn discomfort, then most likely these signs indicate such a disease as cystitis. This ailment does not pose a danger to life, but can spoil a couple of days. Consider how to quickly get rid of cystitis, as well as relieve the pain and process of inflammation.

How to get rid of cystitis in home conditions

Often Women neglect the campaign to the doctor and begin to be treated independently in case of the appearance of the first signs of the disease. If the symptoms are small expressed, then this is the signal to the first actions. Light form can be cured in conditions of the house, but if blood appeared or severe pain, then without consulting a specialist it is not here.

Recommendations for home treatment:

  • Bed regime. If the first signs of the disease appeared, then you need to stay at home and comply with bed. Thanks to this, you save the forces to combat the ailment.
  • Abundant drink. It may be fruit, tea and water without gas. Thus, you will contribute to the removal of pathogenic microorganisms from the bladder.
  • Thermal procedures. This is the best way to get rid of the alend house. It is possible to warm up the bottom of the abdomen using a bath, a woolen scarf around the waist, and a heating floor.
  • Change diet. Exclude roast, acute, salt and products containing calcium, in order to avoid aggravation of the disease.

Remember, self-treatment can lead to chronic form or to complications.

How to get rid of cystitis - drug methods

An infectious disease is treated with antibiotics, spasmolitics, solarms. They are prescribed doctors.

If you correctly choose an antibiotic, you can cope with the disease quickly.

  • The most effective is considered osfomycin (M. onral). Only 3 grams of the drug will quickly facilitate pain and cure cystitis.
  • NolitsinN. orfloxacin - These are also effective drugs that are easily transferred. The treatment period is up to 10 days.
  • In case of an attack of pain, it is necessary to remove it with antispasmodic drugs - it is o-shpa, Barallgyne, etc. .
  • Wrosomptics include medicinal plants - to anefron., F. iTOLISIN and u rolesan. They help to cope with the symptoms of cystitis. And in conjunction with the antibiotic, cooked acute pains.

The therapy can be complemented by folk remedies, but only after agreeing with the doctor.

How to get rid of cystitis - medicinal plants

Plants that grow under their feet helps to heal many diseases, including cystitis. But at the same time it must be remembered that the plants are drugs, so they need to be taken in a strict dosage.

  • Immunomodulatory Teas, tincture. They will help strengthen the protective forces of the body. This is Echinacea Purple, Eleutherococcus, as well as lemongrass.
  • Herbal Infusions. Especially active fees of herbs. A decoction of bruscular leaves can be prepared from a tablespoon of dry leaves and 400 ml of water. Then insist the decoction and strain. Take half a glass 3 times a day. Still effective in spasms decoction of such herbs is Vasilek, Horseta, Chamomile. For cooking, a spoon of dry raw materials and a floor of a liter of water will be required. Boil, Peel, insist and take half a glass before each food intake.
  • Infusion of fruit. Rowan infusion is a storehouse of vitamins. To cook it needs to be brewed in a thermos 3 tbsp. l. fruits. Use a glass of tincture along with a spoonful of honey for half an hour before meals.
  • Bathrooms With chamomile decoction. Pour the broth in the bathroom, sit in it while there warmly, then wrapped in warm things and go to bed.
  • Cranberry juice. Freshly squeezed cranberry juice favorably affects the bladder. The packaged product is not effective, because they are deprived of the necessary microelements that help kill pathogenic microorganisms. Dry cranberry extracts focused on therapeutic therapy are also suitable.

Recipes of traditional medicine can not be combined with warming procedures, because it can lead to creating favorable conditions. for activation pathogenic microorganisms. Any selected treatment method with cystitis should be used with the mind.

How to get rid of cystitis - recommendations

After recovery, it will be necessary to perform prevention measures, namely:

  • Vitamins immunomodulators and folk recipes to strengthen immunity.
  • Do not overcap.
  • Monitor personal hygiene.
  • Wear cotton linen.
  • To visit the gynecologist regularly.
  • Will the right lifestyle, including proper nutrition, sports activities, not nervous.

Forget about the unpleasant symptoms of cystitis or avoid relapse Only comprehensive treatment will help.

If you have no default cystitis, then this may lead to negative consequences. Thus, recurrence can occur with acute signs, exacerbation, development of kidney infectious diseases. Therefore, in order to avoid complications, you need to be treated under the supervision of the doctor and perform prevention measures.

Comments leave a comment
Olga 07/07/2017 at 4:48.

As the urologist says, it is now possible to be treated with household means, only you need to drink a monuleur at least once. In the meantime, the cause of inflammation will not escape, there will be no sense.

To answer
Vera 28/09/2019 at 21:23

Households such a serious disease will not cure, so at the first symptoms of cystitis necessarily immediately to the doctor!

To answer
Oksana 09/30/2019 at 14:21

Absolutely agree with you, cystitis is usually treated with antibiotics, so it is necessary to go to the doctor. By the way, the doctor also applied to the antibiotic to the antibiotic, as part of this complex only plant components and vitamins that contribute to the elimination of symptoms of cystitis and the speedy recovery. Something like that! I will never do ammunition to do ammunition, health is more expensive))

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Peter 13/11/2019 at 10:20

The doctor applied to me the course of antibiotics and nephrostin. I think it is a complex treatment that is precisely and may in this case help. In any case, the cystitis left me alone, which cannot but rejoice)) because the pain, of course, were unbearable .... Yes, and I could not go to the toilet in a normal (

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