How to treat arrhythmia

How to treat arrhythmia

U healthy man normal frequency heart abbreviations counts 6080 blows in a minute. AT result needs organism heart maybe slow down or accelerate my work. Arrhythmiathis is rhythm heart activities, differing from ordinary. Before those how proceed to treatment, necessary consult  with treating doctor.

How to treat arrhythmia - n
arodny funds

Majority folk recipes based on the herbs. Them action directed on the decrease stress and provision sedative actions, normalizing attacks arrhythmias. Here several recipes:

  • Roots valerian grind and mix with flowers calendulas, kalinova barka also motherwort. Two tablespoons mixtures herbs brew in glasses boiling water, strain and cool. AT flow total day accept cooked solution. Excellent copes with view tachycardia, which accompanied  psychological stress.
  • Infusions valerian and hawthorn with corvalol. Means to mix in proportions 1 to 1. It great helps  at curious tachycardia. Accept maximum on one spoon in day.
  • 3 parts roots valerian and so many the same melissa connect with 2i parts yarrow. AT glasses brew 2 tablespoons mixtures, after insist 3 hours. Accept solution all day with the same gaps.
  • Roots valerian suitable for preparations solution for bath.
  • Tea with melissa also effective at heart violations. For preparations you will need it canteen a spoon substrate and floorliter boiling water.
  • FROM curious arrhythmia cope flowers hawthorn. For decoction you will need it 5 g herbs and cup boiling water. Daily need use on floor glasses 3 times in day.
  • Infusions calendulasthis is old and effective means. For his preparations necessary 2 tablespoons flowers, half liter boiling water, then capacity insulate and insist on the length chesa. Also healthy accept on 17 drops alcoholic tinctures together with a piece sahara.
  • Flowers field basilka also provide expressed action. Prepare drug infusion necessary so the same how and with calendula.

How to treat arrhythmia - vitamin therapy

Reception vitamins very important at heart arrhythmias. AT the diet patient necessarily must to be  fruitEspecially useful persian, apricots, black currant. But fresh berries and fruit available only  in summer period, that's why them can replace such recipes:

  • Vitamin bomb counts rose hip. They are ideal at weak heart. Prepare decoction need taking  3050 g dry berries on the liter water, boil on the length 10 min. To give drive in thermos near 8 hours. This drink must accept daily.
  • Kalina also will help in struggle with arrhythmia. For preparations need 3 glasses berries, which pour boiled water. To give drive near 6 hours and after add 0,5 l honey.
  • Honey, freshly squeezed citric juice, apricot bones. All ingredients connect and accept on dining room spoon 2 times in day.
  • Dried fruitsthis is faithful helpers at arrhythmias. Mixture from kurags, nuts and raisins, gag with lemon peel and honey accept each morning on 3050 g.

How to treat arrhythmia - d

Arrhythmia maybe to be called lack such trace elements how  potassium, magnesium, calcium, that's why required special diet.

  • Each day need use potato, parsley, honey, beets, seeds. Replenish lack magnesium can at help legumes, buckwheat, bran, cucumbers. It is forbidden forget pro fermented milk products, a also seafood.
  • Accept in food garlic, seeds flax, which contribute liquefaction blood.
  • Need limit myself in use animals fat, because how they can provoke thrombous phenomena. Of course, fully exclude meat it is forbidden, but accept in food too much fat and roast.
  • Limit consumption salt.
  • Important reduce amount consumed food, because how pressure stomach intensifies on the region hearts. A patient with normal weight faster copes with arrhythmia.
  • Necessary exclude all harmful habits, for example, excessive use coffee, sweets. Each morning do charging.

How to treat arrhythmia - d
penal recommendations

  • Fulfill specially developed complex gymnastics Strelnikova. Before those how to begin to classes need  consult doctor.
  • Put away attack can at help exercisesdetain breath and push way down air.
  • For removing attack arrhythmias exists several receptions. it pressure on the eyes fingers in the course several minutes or room faces in ice water on the pair seconds.
  • Massage. Necessary perform light massage sleepy arteries, beginning with lower jaws and before collarbone  on right side neck.

How to treat arrhythmia - m
unified treatment

Frequent cause diseasesthis is ischemic disease hearts, heart failure, that's why a patient must accept drugs, which enough effective at progression the main thing diseases.

For prevention increased thrombosis doctor appoints antratrombic medication. Them need accept constantly, thanks to this can reduce probability occurrence stroke, infarction.

Also need accept drugs, strengthening muscle heartsthis is Riboxin, Mildronate. Such funds raise sustainability cells to disadvantage oxygen. Reinforce heart muscle can nutritious mixture, including dried fruits, seeds, nuts. Cardiologists treat disease antiarrhythmic means, which do attacks not such frequent and long.

How to treat arrhythmia - surgical

Such methods use then, when treatment medications not brings positive results.

  • Pacemaker. Pacemakerthis is frame, filled electronics. Work batteries calculated on the minimum 10 years. Installation such apparatus returns patient normal work muscles hearts.
  • Defibrillator. His principle similar on the previous. He provides recovery abbreviations fibers hearts by means electric discharges.
  • Radio frequency ablation. This method can  cure some kinds arrhythmias. Special catheter does punctures, a through them cauterry problem site with help radio waves.

For confrontations arrhythmias necessary walk on the fresh air. At this step must to be even and measured, because how this is training heart muscle.

Comments leave a comment
Zoya 22/11/2021 at 16:38

Of course, it is most correct to rely on the drugs that the doctor prescribes. But then during the period of remission, so to speak, you need to maintain your heart with blood vessels so that there is no relapse. I now drink Evalarovsky Selena Forte, perfectly supports the heart and blood vessels, has antioxidant protection and protects against free radicals. Therefore, everyone will be useful just to maintain health at a height even.


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