How to treat radiculitis

How to treat radiculitis

Many people at least once in their lives came across a unpleasant, literally peeling pain in the lower back - this is the first sign of the radiculitis. Most often, the disease comes suddenly due to the fact that the man unsuccessfully turned, rose sharply, raised something heavy. How to get rid of bales in the lower back?

Radiculitis is different, but most often the lumbar-sacral radiculitis is manifested, because the load on the back and the lower back is greater than on the chest and cervical spine.

Causes, symptoms of radiculitis

Let's first consider the causes of the development of this disease:

  • long-term physical exertion and lifting weight;
  • intervertebral disk injury;
  • change in the structure of the operation of intervertebral discs;
  • hernia;
  • osteocondritis of the spine;
  • infringement of nerves;
  • tumor.

The disease occurs suddenly, with severe acute pain. The first sign of the radiculitis is a pronounced pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower back. Most often appears after severe physical exertion. The pain is strong, permeating, does not allow to straighten and move normally. Most often, acute radiculitis flows into a chronic stage of the disease.

How to treat radiculitis

Many treatments, consider the most effective:

  • Receiving a bath with the addition of fir-branch. In order to make such a bath, you need to collect fir paws (they take a little less than half of the fir fir pags on the bath). Raw materials need to grind, pour hot water, boil on a weak heat about 5 minutes, then strain, pour into a bath with warm water.
  • If there is no possibility to collect so many fir and take a bath, buy fir oil, you need to rub it into the lower back area, after making a light massage to heat the muscles and joints.
  • Warming up the patient with a warm salt. In this way, you can quickly get rid of acute pain at home. It is necessary to heat a large salt in a pan, pour out into the bag, attach to the place where strong pain is felt.
  • Another way to treat the radiculitis of salt - you need to prepare from 1 kg of salt, water - 100 ml and 2-table spoons of mustard mixture, warm on a slow heat on the stove, add crowded crushers to get an ointment. This ointment is applied to the sore place, thoroughly rubbed, close on top of the film, the patient is covered with a warm blanket. Treatment time - before compress cooling.
  • Mustache - a good way to cure radiculitis. It is necessary to put a thin towel on the sick place, and on top of the mustard. Exposure time - at least 5-7 minutes. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe back will be felt strong burning.
  • Another method of warming compress with mustard pieces: honey (1 spoon), furaciline - 1 tablet and 2 mustard plates. The tablet is frozen, mix with liquid honey, apply the ointment on the mustard, attach to the patient. Top to tie the belt wool handkerchief.
  • Put banks to the sore place, avoiding the spine area. It will take 6 cans so that it turned out 3 on each side. The number of procedures 2-3 and you can forget about the radiculitis for a long time.
  • Exercises, like prevention and not only: lying on a solid surface on the back left hand you need to put on the back of the back, elbows maximize on the sides, stretch your legs, relax. Inhale. Now strain the whole body, pull out the maximum socks of legs, make an exhale. The number of repetitions is at least 10. This exercise will help relax all muscle groups.
  • If the illigin disease suddenly helps to relieve the condition of the patient pharmacy drugs: Finalgon ointment, Kathetonal cream, Fastum gel.

Diet - the first step towards recovery from the radiculitis

When radiculit, you must adhere to the correct power:

  • refusal of coffee;
  • reduction of salt use;
  • reduce the amount of sugar, fatty food, as well as spicy and acute;
  • alcohol and smoking - exclude completely;
  • you can: low-fat meat, milk products, garlic necessarily (2 teeth per day), vegetables and fruits, also preferably have every day lemon or drink water with the addition of lemon slices.

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Sabrina 15/06/2021 at 21:54

The treatment complex must first of all the doctor choose, because it is an individual and depends on the state of your pictures, which must be done. And so, of course, to shoot pain and inflammation I can advise the course to take rumflex, it is based on Martinia soul. And collagen, of course, preferably hydrolyzed. These measures perfectly help to normalize their condition and live a quiet life.

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