What is thrush in women

What is thrush in women

The thrush is an infectious disease caused by the species of fungus Candida. Otherwise, this disease is called candidiasis, distinguish several of his species. The fungus can affect different organs: the stomach, the oral cavity, the nipple of a pregnant woman and many others. If we talk about the diseases of the female sexual system, the thrush is familiar with almost every girl. This disease is distinguished by its obsession, because some pills and drugs cannot heal it. For complete recovery, we need to pass a number of analyzes, only after that take the appointment of the gynecologist. In this article, you will learn how thrush is manifested, as it is treated, and what it is dangerous.

Symptoms of thrush

The main symptom of this disease, which rushes into the eyes - white curls. Any girl will notice the appearance of such secretions on its underwear. They are inhomogeneous, thick, often similar to liquid cottage cheese or born sour cream.

  • The second symptom is the smell. Many compare the smell of thrush with fish, rotten. He may be present from the very first day of the disease.
  • Permanent itching of genital organs, which applies to large sex lips. Strengthens with time.
  • Often, during the thrush, there are fristed during urination, this is due to the fact that the fungus falls into the urethra and begins to progress there.
  • If the fungus got into the urethra, and the sick woman does not appear for a long time, often begins to the toilet.
  • The burning of the genitals, especially it is felt from the inside.
  • Drawing and buty pains can appear at the bottom of the belt, at the bottom of the abdomen. They are easy to confuse with the arrival of menstruation.
  • With sexual intercourse there are unpleasant sensations.

From what the thrush appears

This disease is not venereal, however, it is transferred by sexual. In men, thrush proceeds more secretly, he may not even suspect about this disease. With unprotected sex act, the thrush easily smokes to a woman.

  • One of the most common methods for the development of thrush in women - the adoption of antibiotics for a long time. The thrush often arises as a reaction to these medicines.
  • Any disease or drugs that weaken the body's immune system can also provoke the development of candidate fungus.
  • According to the latest research, girls who often suffer from allergies can also be subject to the appearance of thrush.

Candidiasis is a fairly insidious disease, because doctors can not always call the reason for his appearance. Any failure in the hormonal system of a woman, the weakening of immunity or the reception of specific drugs can cause this disease.

How to treat thrush

Full recovery occurs only with an integrated approach to the problem. Girls are prescribed antifungal drugs, often, additionally, the doctor discharges and positive bio stimulants for the beneficial work of the stomach. The thing is that antifungal drugs can strongly affect the operation of the gastric mucosa.

Along with this, girls with thrush better make chamomile and antimicrobial baths, use herbal tampons, sometimes shown by the healing solutions.

Contrary to advertising and a common opinion, it is impossible to cure the milk of one or two pills. It only shakes the symptoms, but does not remove the fungus from your body. Treatment occurs under the supervision of your gynecologist. After each course of treatment, a woman should take a smear to find out how much he is now.

Even after the elimination of all the symptoms of the fungus can still remain. Do not forget to fulfill the doctor's recommendations on time and take the necessary assays.

For healthy girls, a planned inspection of a gynecologist is shown every six months, as the thrush can proceed asymptomatically, or show its symptoms at the already running stage.

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