What shows the smear on the flora in women

What shows the smear on the flora in women

At the first reception, any gynecologist, a girl will ask for an analysis on the flora in the form of a smear. Perhaps you also came across this smear more than once, but still do not understand why he is needed. Meanwhile, this simple and fast analysis allows you to identify a lot of diseases and pathologies, start treatment in the early stages. Otherwise, this smear is called general analysis or bacterioscopy. In this article, you will learn the appointment of such a smear and in what cases it is better to pass it yourself.

What reveals the smear on the flora in women

The smear on the flora reveals sensitivity to antibiotics, this is especially important when you are going to write down the potent drugs and a local antibiotic. Such an analysis will help avoid indulgence.

  • The smear on the flora shows red blood cells and leukocytes.
  • Full composition of female flora.
  • Receives fungi, as well as such important indicators like Trichomonas.
  • Lactobacillia.
  • The amount of flat epithelium in the smear.
  • Slime.

According to the result of this analysis, you can identify a number of diseases, or get information for further surveys.

When should you pass the smear to the flora to women

You can take a smear on the flora not only planning, but at your own desire, especially if you have such symptoms:

  • Pain in the abdomen. Pulling or sharp.
  • Changing the nature of the selection: their colors, consistency and intensity.
  • Itching or burning genital organs.
  • If you have taken antibiotics for a long time and other potent drugs affecting the flora, then it should be checked after the end of treatment.
  • Any discomfort in a woman's sexual system: pain, cutting.

In addition, it is worthwhile that when detecting diseases, the smear on the flora gives up at least twice: the first time and after the course of treatment. Check the flora after the course is mandatory if it remains damaged and weakened, then you risk ill with new diseases that use low local immunity.

If a woman plans pregnancy, then the smear on the flora takes the first turn. Also, after the occurrence of pregnancy, this analysis is shown up to a six-month fetal period every two months.

How is the smear smear on the flora

This is a quick and painless analysis:

  • Coming to the gynecologist, you must have a towel with you to put on an observation chair.
  • The doctor inspects the genitals through the mirror outwardly, and then the tire takes the material. At the same time, the tool may vary depending on the place of the fence: for the cervix, a small jarshik is used, as for the urethra, but of a different size.
  • The smear is sent to the laboratory, where it is analyzed through a microscope.
  • In a day, the results of the analysis are ready.

Depending on the hospital, you can get the results before or later.

What needs to be observed before passing a smear on the flora

In order for the analysis to be truth, follow these instructions:

  • Refrain from sex contacts two days before visiting the doctor.
  • Do not deprive and do not come deeply.
  • Do not attend the toilet at least an hour before the smear.
  • Ows up before the analysis of the analysis.

These recommendations will be enough for the maximum truthful result. Please note that during menstruation and a couple of days after them, the smear is not taken, because blood is bleeding all important microbes and substances.

The ideal term for passing is the fifth day of the cycle. During ovulation, it is better to refrain from smear on the flora too, since the result may not be accurate.

This type of analysis does not cause discomfort to the woman, and also helps prevent the development of many diseases of the genitourinary system.

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