Sand in kidney symptoms in women

Sand in kidney symptoms in women

In medical registers of diseases, the diagnosis of "sand in the kidneys" will not be able to find. But it is precisely this pathology leads to urolithiasis, citetel and pyelonephritis. Therefore, it is so important not to miss the first signals of the body and start treatment in time. Talk about the symptoms of sand in the kidneys in women.

What is the sand in the kidneys?

Sand in the kidneys is a mixture of salts and proteins. To be more accurate, in the kidneys there is a blade or oxalic acid + phosphorus + potash salt. In the original state, they resemble very small sand grains, which over time are drawn up in the concrections (stone). After the appearance of stones, doctors begin to talk about urolithiasis. Before the grave "grow" to noticeable stones, their size is not more than 0.9 mm, so to identify sand in the kidneys in women with modern diagnostic methods is not always obtained.

How does the sand in the kidneys appear?

It is impossible to single out one basic cause, because of which the sand in the kidneys appears in women, because a large number of different factors affect its occurrence. To the most common, doctors include:

  • Individual anatomical structure of the ureteria system.
  • The predisposition to the urolithiasis at the genetic level.
  • Lifeline lifestyle (hypodynamia).
  • Chronic infectious diseases associated with the urogenital system.
  • Unbalanced nutrition, which leads to excessions of vitamin D in the body and non-splashing of carotene and ascorbic acid.
  • Eating a rigid water in which there is an increased amount of salts.

Sand in kidney symptoms in women

At the initial stage of the appearance of sand sand in the kidneys, when the sands have a minimum size (up to 0.9 mm) the symptoms are completely absent. Only during the progression of the disease and increase grains up to 3 mm, certain manifestations appear. Usually a woman begins to feel strong pain and renal colic. Violasted urination.

The more particles, the more intense symptoms. Salt crystals often have a pointed surface, which leads to damage (scratch) urinary, urethra, ureter. This is usually happening when the kidney came out of the kidneys naturally with urine. When the sand goes out, a woman can feel:

  • burning in the crotch;
  • painful urination;
  • painful lumbar syndrome;
  • noticeably the presence of blood in the urine.

Extraction of sand in the kidneys in a urolithiasis

Small sandbags are overgrown with new salt and protein elements, increasing in size. Conducts are drawn up, which are able to injure the urinary system with their movement. Also stones can disturb the normal operation of the kidneys, blade, impede the removal of the fluid.
It happens that the concretion fully closes the clearance, which leads to critical states, dangerous to human life. Such states can provoke a gap of the clouded organs or peritonitis.

Treatment in women's sand in the kidneys has two main goals. First, save the patient from painful symptoms, by eliminating the grains along with the urine. Secondly, the prevention of relapses. This includes a special set of events: proper nutrition, reception of certain drugs, physical exertion, certain procedures.

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