Gauge tube for newborns, how to use

Gauge tube for newborns, how to use

One of the most common problems after the birth of the kid, with which young mothers face - intestinal colic, or "soda". Because of them, the child sleeps badly, whimslets, which gives a lot of trouble to her mother and everyone surrounding.

When a child is born, his ventricle is absolutely sterile and only after receiving first food there is a useful and harmful microflora with their microbes. They provoke the formation of gases that cause pain in the kid. Also, improper applying to the chest may cause air from feeding, which leads to gas formation - coliks.

At the moment there are many drugs in pharmacies for removing the blizzard of the tummy in the baby. There are also ways that can ease or warn these colic:

  • lay out the child before feeding on the tummy;
  • after feeding, donate the baby vertically and wait for the belch;
  • put a warm diaper on the tummy;
  • massate the tummy clockwise;
  • make elementary exercises, pressing legs to the tummy.

If all these methods do not work, then the child should be helped with a more radical and effective way - with the help of a gas pipe.

It is necessary to use this device very carefully, as you can put great harm to the baby, if you incorrectly insert a gas pipe: sharply or very deeply. What can even lead to peritonitis.

There are different forms and dimensions of the gas-conductive tubes. For newborns, you need to take a pipe of the smallest size of 15-16 cm, for children after six months - 17-18 cm.

In order to help the child using a gas pipe, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of use.

Prepare a gas feed tube to use. Before the first use, it is possible to boil, subsequently you can simply wash the tube with soap (with frequent use to boil once a week).

Prepare a place where you will do the procedure - it must be convenient, best on the changing table, to lay the oil and diaper on it.

Prepare aids - to lubricate the tip of the tube and the anal passage of the baby: Vaseline or sterile oil. It is possible to boil the vegetable oil itself in a glass container.

Put a child on the back - raise the legs to the top and slightly rotational movements enter the tip of the tube into the anal opening first for 1 cm, slightly press the tube down if the gazi did not go, then enter 2 to 4 cm, but not more, so as not to damage the walls intestines. If the baby had constipation, then such a procedure would definitely provoke the detection of carts, which will also bring relief to the child.

After you have extracted the tube, it is worth pressing the legs to the tummy again to make sure that all gases and cartoons came out. After that, the child needs to be sealed.

It will be better if you still advise with a pediatrician before first use and he will show you how to make this procedure. Try too often do not use the tube - no earlier than after 4 hours. Let your kids grow healthy and happy!

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