How to bathe a child of a newborn

How to bathe a child of a newborn

After discharge from the hospital, each mother knows that the newborn baby needs to be bathed daily. But many parents fear to conduct these procedures, fearing something to do wrong and hurt their little lump. In order to stop taking fear of swimming a child, you need to familiarize yourself with several rules for conducting this procedure.

How to bathe a child of a newborn - what will be needed

  • Bath. Someone believes that it is possible to carry out the procedure for swimming a small child in a regular bath, but the doctors strongly recommend buying a separate children's bath for this. It's not just that the individual bath will not collect adult microbes, but also that it is very convenient. It can be placed in any room convenient for the baby and parents, you can also place a special children's slide in it, which will help fix the baby, then it is convenient to redeem.
  • Thermometer for kids. There are many different thermometers for children's baths. They measure the water temperature, thanks to which parents can easily control it. Bathing a child in water, the temperature of which does not exceed 38 degrees, but not less than 36.6 degrees.
  • Sunbed or hill. Not all parents use this thing, although many consider it very comfortable. The slide can be attached to the bath, arrange the baby and bathe, without thinking that the child may be watered.
  • Ladle. The bucket will help you pour a newborn water, flush with it shampoo and bathing foam. The dishes are desirable to buy a bright color so that he distract the attention of the baby during swimming.
  • Cosmetical tools. Prepare cosmetics for swimming baby, it can be a liquid soap for children or a children's shampoo. Also need a special urine, butter or children's cream for moisturizing the skin of a newborn after taking a bath.
  • Towel. It is better to choose a terry towel or out of 100% cotton. Towels hooded in demand, they are very convenient to hide the kid's raw head.
  • Cotton swabs. They will need to handle the navel after swimming. Also, if there was a water from entering, you will need to clean the spout and ears.

How to bathe a child of a newborn - when to bat

It is necessary to carry out water procedures daily, doctors recommend that it to do at the same time so that the newborn gets used to his day and did not capricious.
Bathing before beding favorably affects the body and the psyche of the child, it is relaxed as much as possible, the blood circulates better, the appetite is added, which means that the sowing after the bath and sleep will be stronger.

How to bathe baby newborn baby - how much to bathe

First, bathe newborn no more than 5 minutes, otherwise the baby may have a stressful state. It is for this reason that the child's teaching to the bath is recommended gradually. Then, a month later, you can add another 5-10 minutes and so on. Make sure that the water does not become cold, its temperature should not be below 36.6 degrees.
If the baby does not like to swim and cry, try to distract it with the help of conversations, rattles, songs and other children's toys. Remove the fear of the kid during swimming will help mom. She just needs to stroke the baby or hold the hand, after which the child will behave noticeably calmer.

How to bathe a child of a newborn - cosmetics

In children's stores and pharmacies offer a wide selection of children's cosmetics for bathing kid. However, approaching the choice of shampoo and other cosmetics for swimming must be extremely careful:

  • In no case do not use the gels for the shower and shampoos for adults when bathing the baby. An allergic reaction may occur or you can damage the skin of a child, which will entail the development of an infectious disease.
  • Choose shampoos and foams for baths such that when hitting a child in the eyes, he has not experienced discomfort and pain.
  • Before swimming, apply a cosmetic to the kid's skin, wait a while. If the allergic reaction did not occur, then the shampoo is suitable.

How to bathe a child of a newborn - supplements in a bath

Before using any additive, it is important to obtain a pediatrician consultation. An independent addition of any herbs and additives can provoke an allergic reaction.

  • Manganese. In order to completely clean the boiled water, it is necessary to add 3-4 a crystal crystal to the filled bath and mix it well to completely dissolve them.
  • Sea salt. In children's departments, it is often possible to see the sea salt, the addition of which will calm the skin in the bath and makes it difficult to relax the newborn.
  • Herbal collection. Sold in any pharmacy point, is a kind of sedative for especially active and restless kids.

Remember, after bathing in the bath with the addition of any special additives, the baby must be rinsed with clean water.

How to bathe a newborn baby - step-by-step instruction

For parents experiencing fear and uncertainty before bathing a newborn baby, it is recommended to pre-calm down and carefully, not in a hurry to prepare all the necessary things and cosmetics.

  • Fill the desired amount of warm boiled water, the temperature of which should not exceed 38 degrees. Instruct 3 crystals of mangarteeau in it or add another children's addition tool for swimming.
  • Check if you have everything you need at hand: pampers; Clean clothes and cap or hat; Cream or oil for moisturizing the baby's skin after bathing; cotton swab and greencraft for handling navel; towel.
  • Remove clothes from the baby, wait until the baby gets used to room temperature without clothes. If the newborn is not frightened and behaves quite confidently, bring it to the bath and gradually, slowly immerse it into the water.
  • Lose one minute so that the child is accustomed to water.
  • Apply the shampoo yourself on my palm, then neat, light movements, apply it to the body of the baby, as if stroking. Be sure to clean your fingers, neck and all folds in which the skin film can accumulate.
  • Gently rinse the foam using the bucket.
  • Do neat stroking movements apply the shampoo on the baby's head, then rinse the remains of the shampoo.
  • Rinse the baby completely warm water.
  • Wrap the newborn with a warm towel, let him absorb all moisture. Hug a child, talk to him, let him feel your warmth. The baby must understand that bathing does not represent any danger to him.
  • Treat the spout, ears and navel. Apply your baby cream or special oil on the gentle skin, after which the newborn is dressed in warm clothes and firmly tick.

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