How to calm the cough in a child

How to calm the cough in a child

Often in time walnut diseases children tormented from strong cough, defiant unpleasant feel. Cough release respiratory path from pathogenic organisms. Thus way, it not disease, a symptom, which the it is forbidden treat. But strong attacks cough bring the discomfort, that's why need to know how his reassure. Further tell me what kind actions must take parents, to reassure bothersome cough?

1) How to calm the cough in a child - n reparates

When child begins cough, then all mom. rush v pharge per medicine. But to choose his need to extremely carefully. Facilities from cough there are three species:

  • antitussive, which push out cough. This occurs v aspect infertility reflex, which the regulated kashlev center. Most common antitussive a drugit dextromegorphan., without antihistamine or antino elements. Codeineit enough effective means, but he it has very lot side effects;
  • expectorant and mukolithic. They locked slime, that's why lightweight food. Facilities reduce cough v aspect looking actions. Such preparations safe, v their composition contains that substance how g.iPhenesin;
  • combined preparations. They include antino, focusing and antitussive ingredients. If cough provoked allergies, then it is forbidden offer antino or antihistamine facilities, after all they thicken slime, what complete her poverty cough.

By this cause very important consult with doctor, front thread how giving to kid medicine.

If day cough interferes there is, play, then need focusing substances. If it not will help, then need to give combined preparations.

If cough v night time not worried, then full enough install evaporator v children's. A v case, when child not maybe to fall asleep fromper attach cough, then need to repeat day treatment, then there is preparations, combining expectorant and antitussive the effect. If giving cough day, then at night child will sleep.

Everything kinds drugs absolutely different, that's why if their not properly apply, then can aggravate situation.

2) How to calm the cough in a child - m aSAZH

Very often condition child can ease massage breast cells, a also back. For this procedures can use preheating mazi. or etheric oil. But it maybe only v case absence allergies w. child.

3) How to calm the cough in a child - n aRDE recipes

Honey v combination with lemon. is an enough effective actor v fight with cough. It is better total use buckwheat honey. Combine these components healthy with warm tea. Thus way, can reassure irritated glot, and take off spasm.

It is better on one's own cook syrup. For of this take the same proportions dark sorta honey and lemon juicethe effect from facilities, cooked n. hands will best, because how pharmacy options contain harmful flavors, a also numerous chemical components.

Remember, what use honey allowed only if on the his missing allergic reaction. A children before 2 years generally not recommended his use.

4) How to calm the cough in a child - take dairy products

Very important at apart cough put away dairy products. They activate selection mucus and mocrot. A for her exit need additional forces.

Not giving to kid annoying food, she should be easy and great digestible.

5) How to calm the cough in a child - h aI on the herbal based

Reduce cough can herbal temia. This maybe be root licorice, sage, motherandstepmother. Brew these grass can how on separate, so and together. Later give pursue, strain and giving to kid together with honey.

6) How to calm the cough in a child - and ngalation

Put away attack cough can at aid inhalation. Very effective meansit solution soda or fiz solution. V case absence inhaler, can arrange v bathroom room paired. For of this necessary turn on tap with hot water, add etheric butter and close door. Give to kid rise that moist air  v room.

7) How to calm the cough in a child - b laptop conditions

For soothing any view cough need to drink lot fluid. Thanks to it can moisturize and soften slimebring out harmful toxins. Also important provide v room child wet air, put away dust and other allergens.

Often coughit symptom diseasesnot connected with cold. By this cause recommended contact to experienced doctor, in order to avoid appearance complications.

If w. cough appears whistling, breath finds out, rises temperature, a child becomes restless, then then study self-medication n. v koem. case it is forbidden.

Comments leave a comment
Alyona 24/11/2018 at 13:25

It seems to me that the fastest way to soften cough is a hedelix syrup. Already from the first spoon it becomes easier. Interestingly, and if the leaves of ivy brew, the same effect will be?

katushka. 19/04/2019 at 15:12

It is best to choose syrups on herbs, where altake, plantain, a chamber. All these herbs contribute to the removal of sputum. Also provide abundant warm drink, try to observe the mode and do not cross the child. I still give vitamins, very well baby bear formula Vitamin C, in the form of bears, tasty and useful. This is an ascorbic from our childhood, everyone gives it.


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