How to stop lactation

How to stop lactation

Sooner or later, any mother who feeds the breast, the question arises when, and most importantly, how to stop feeding the baby. The reasons for the termination of the lactation period can be a lot, as well as ways to do this. In any case, this is a psychologically process is not simple, for this reason the woman needs to choose the most convenient version of the cessation of breastfeeding to reduce discomfort for himself and his child.

Milk in lactic glands is usually produced as long as the child sucks the chest. Accordingly, it is necessary to learn the child from the chest to stop lactation. To begin with, it is best to minimize the amount of feedings, leaving one night, and already beyond him. To do this, you can send a kid to the grandmother for 2-3 days. It is effective, but for a child it will be stress, and for your mother - several sleepless nights.

To raise the child less, try to distract it when he asks the usual food. Give him a toy, cookies or drink milk or tea, press it, intend to the back. The main thing is to endure the night cry, do not break and do not give the chest. After 1-2 days, the child himself will cease to look for your milk. In response to descending "demand", the production of prolactin decreases, and the lactation comes down.

With complete cancellation of breast feeding, milk is not immediately. The first days of the dairy glands will be poured, to harden and deliver inconvenience. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, hard chest should be improved to the soft state (but not to the end). Wear during this period dense bras of bones or tops, try to minimize the use of liquid, hot shower or bath. Milk can be abrupt from 3 days before the week.

There are medication methods for stopping lactation that can be purchased at the pharmacy. These are usually hormonal preparations, which contains gestagenic or androgen substances. Most often, bomocriptine drugs are used, pairodel, reaches, norcut. All these chemical drugs have side effects and contraindications, so only your doctor should assign them. It should also track the reception period and result, make sure that there are no seals or pain in the chest.

Do not forget about the recipes of traditional medicine, which can be more efficient and safer than chemicals from the pharmacy. During the oppression of lactation, when milk is still arriving and discomfort feels in the chest, cold compresses and loving from cabbage sheets will help to remove unpleasant sensations. Diuretics will get rid of milk tides, take them up for 5-7 days. To herbs that contribute to the removal of fluid from the body include a toloknyanka, a lingonberry, a framework, a winter horsetail, Maren Drying, gardening garden, nine and other herbal fees. Herbs such as sage medicinal, White Pepper, White, Promotional and Team, are used to stop lactation. They are not difficult to find in any nearest pharmacy.

Doctors psychologists do not recommend sharp teaching from breastfeeding, they advise to stretch this process for a period of several weeks to several months. During the cessation period, lactation should be carefully monitored for the state of the mammary glands, periodically pulp it on the formation of seals. It is believed that when the child stops sucking the chest, a certain close connection is lost between the mother and her tea, but do not forget that for the baby is a big step towards mature and independent development.

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Masha 12/23/2019 at 11:33.

I do not understand those who ask such questions ... He herself had always dreamed of breastfeeding. But I had problems with this ... Now, the truth is much better all already. I drink tea Evalar Bio Lactomam and a chamfer on Salfa ... I can feed the baby again)) for me it is unreal happiness))


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