Bronchial asthma in children

Bronchial asthma in children

Bronchial asthma is a chronic, inflammatory-allergic, obstructive disease of the bronchi, which is characterized by reversibility and variability of bronchorates. Pathology is often found in childhood. Many parents do not even suspect that their child has developed this ailment. Others know about the problem, but do not know how to cope correctly. Bronchial asthma can greatly reduce the standard of living of the child. Everyone must have an idea of \u200b\u200bthis disease, to prevent progression and possible complications.

The reasons for the development of bronchial asthma in children

Bronchial asthma refers to polyethological diseases. This means that there are many reasons for its development and all of them are not fully understood. The hereditary factor plays a big role. If the blood relatives have allergic diseases, the risk of bronchial asthma is much increasing.

Main reasons also include all sorts of allergens. And every year their diversity is growing in geometric progression, which is associated with the introduction of various synthetic products and chemicals into our life. It is allergens that support the disease and cause its exacerbation.

How to diagnose bronchial asthma in children

  • The child often worries cough. Its feature is that he can arise at night. At the end of the cough, a peculiar sputum is distinguished, which resembles a chill.
  • Dyspnea with disappearance difficulty. It can be provoked by allergens, exercise, cold air or an emotional splash. The attack of shortness of breath is accompanied by the formation of the skin and swelling of the neck. The child opens his mouth widely, sits down and rests on his hands. This situation increases the amount of the chest.
  • Whistling dry wheezes. During the attacks, it may be listened even at a distance. With the rest of the time, if you do not have a phonendoscope, you can hear them, leaning the ear to the chest of a child.
  • Spirography is the main method of diagnosing and establishing the degree of bronchial asthma. The spirograph has a special tube that is asked to breathe a patient. This diagnostic method is starting to use from five years old. The data obtained show the degree of bronchial obstruction.
  • Reversing bronchorate. After the usual spirography, the patient makes the drug inhalation expanding bronchi. After 15 minutes, repeated spirograph is carried out. If new indicators talk about a decrease in the bronchorate more than 12%, the diagnosis of bronchial asthma is confirmed.
  • Bronchorate variability. Picofloumometry is another method of diagnosing bronchial asthma. In the morning and in the evening the patient strongly exhales the air into a special small device and records data into the chart. Bronchial asthma is confirmed if the vibration of the bronchorate over the day is 20% and more.
  • Survey radiography of the organs of the chest. On the radiographic picture, you can see the expansion of light fields and increased airiness of the lightweight fabric, which is associated with the difficulty of exhalation and air delay.

Treatment of bronchial asthma in children

The relief of attacks is carried out using the inhalation of bronchussessing drugs. They are two main species. Fast action preparations include salbutamol. Among the drugs of long-term action is to highlight the salmaterol, which has few side effects. But this is only the fight against symptoms.

During the remission, allergic samples are carried out to identify allergens that cause bronchial spasms. After receiving the results, it is necessary to eliminate all these allergens from the life of the child. This will noticeably reduce the frequency and severity of the bouts of the bronchial spasm and will build the basis for cure.

If you have noticed such symptoms or your children, contact specialized help. Only after the above diagnostic measures, it is possible to make an adequate treatment scheme.

Comments leave a comment
Galina 11/10/2016 at 19:19

I will sell Beklason Eco Light breathing aerosol for inhalations 100 μg / dose 200 doses 2 boxes. Got to 09.2016. Price 300 rubles for 2 boxes. T.89165403228.

Nina 07/10/2019 at 10:05.

At the daughter of asthma ... and the only thing that straight prevented living is poorly outgoing wet. It was hard to breathe because of this. I recently began to give her Orvis Broncho Ambroxol (the doctor recommended, said that the price is pleasant, and the quality is good-Evalarovskoe). Additionally, still expectorant teas gave. So managed to get rid of the problem ... now breathe without problems)


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