How to find out how many children

How to find out how many children

There is a huge number of ways that allow you to find out how many children it will be. You can use the services of specially trained people (such as fortune-law, psychics or chirromates). And you can just look at your hand and find out everything.

Simple fortune telling on the palm to find out how many children

Place the lead hand (that is, right-handers need to use the right hand, and left-handed, on the contrary, left). And then take a look at the area under the maizin. Calculate folds that are perpendicular to the "marriage lines". Consider only those that are clearly visible. The resulting digit is equal to the number of children that you will have. Also, do not forget to pay attention to the length of the line: if it is short, then there will be a girl, and otherwise the boy. The distance between the lines can tell about the age difference between children (large or small, respectively).

This fortune telling makes it possible to find out the number of children whom she will give birth to. And the man is the number of children (relatives or not), to which he will be sincerely tied. It must be carried out several times, because the number of lines varies depending on the events occurring.

If the lines on the hand of women are marked with a cross, crossed or interrupted, then this indicates a possible miscarriage. If they form the letter V, it will be twins.

Eastern fortune telling to finger to find out how many children

Place your lead and look at the middle fellow of the Misina. Calculate clear vertical lines on it. The resulting digit is equal to the number of children that you will have. If the little maintenance is difficult to see the lines, then you can do a similar procedure using the middle finger.

Indian fortune telling on "island" to find out how many children

Straighten the dominant hand, look at the so-called "family circle", located at the base of the thumb. Count the number of clear-cut large "islands". The resulting figure will be equal to the number of future children.

Guessing on the hill of Venus to learn how many children will

Look for a large area of \u200b\u200bthe palm, located just behind the thumb. Count the number of horizontal dashes on it (only clear). The resulting figure will be equal to the number of future children.

Palmistry lines on the hand.

Guessing on the hill of Mars-Pluto to learn how many children will

Look at the palm of your dominant hand, find the middle ground, and then slide a glance toward the little finger. Count in this field the number of lines. Their number also represents the future of children.

Guessing on the heart line to find out how many children will

Find a thick line located in the area under the little finger. From her "herringbone" leaves a few dashes. Their number is equal to the number of your future children.

Guessing on the lines of joy and influence to find out how many children will

Find a line extending from the line of life. As children make us rejoice, as well as a strong influence on our lives, they are marked on them.

There are many lines through which you can determine the number of future children. And all this is because kids are very important in our lives. And can not be reflected at least in some area. Yet the most reliable and sure way to count the number of future children is the first of these. Do not despair, if it is only one line is displayed on the hand. Each event affects your fate. And because the number of children line will constantly change.

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