Yellow flowers and leaves are used everywhere in traditional medicine and cosmetology. In antiquity, this plant was considered magic. Baths with a series are treated many diseases - bronchitis, cystitis, diabetes, rashes on the skin and inflammation. A series is rich in valuable oils with bactericidal and healing effect. In cosmetology, cooks are prepared from leaves and essential oils to care face and hair. Most often, the series is used for bathing, it is in water that the plant gives the most useful components.
First of all, the bath with a series is useful for bathing newborns. The skin of the infants often appear irritation and rash, which should not be treated with drugs. But the healing herbal bath has a soothing effect. A small number of dry flowers of a series put in a children's bath and bathe a child every evening. The rashes will disappear quickly. In combination with the chamomile, a series is useful and children, and adults - it effectively fights skin problems, has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.
Cooking a decoction with a series of bathing requires a clear compliance with proportions. On 20 liters of water you will need 20 g of dry flowers and leaves - approximately 6 tablespoons. The grass will make fool as follows - in a small glass jar, pour dry flowers, leaves and fill with 3 glasses of boiling water. Close the jar with a lid and boil the decoction in a saucepan in a water bath, about 15 minutes, periodically stirring. Give the grass to cool and breed 45 minutes.
A series of baths are useful for the health and beauty of the skin, as well as to combat allergic reactions. For the prevention, take them 2-3 times a week to 10-15 minutes. An easier cooking method - using herbal bag. In a cotton fabric or gauze, wrap 100 g of a dry line and throw a bag with grass into the water during bathing. Also, the method of cooking a beam is a bag with grass. Place in 2 liters of boiling water, insist for half an hour, straighten the decoction and pour into the water. Water for swimming should not be higher than the body temperature, otherwise a series will lose all its beneficial properties.
A series calms not only the skin, but also the nervous system. After a long and hard day, it is useful to take a bath with a series, Melissa, soul, chamomile, nettle and thyme. The combination of these herbs is charged with energy, harmonizes the nervous system and relaxes. Remember that all medicinal herbs are useful in moderation. The appearance of headaches, sleep disorder may be due to the abuse of a turn. The use of this herb inside is contraindicated in diseases of the digestive organs.
Besides the component for therapeutic baths, a series is widely used for the skin of the face and for hair. The plant in the composition of cosmetic means makes skin soft and elastic, helps to fight with ulcers and eels. Summies and compresses with a series are used for the treatment of furunculosis and diathesis. The decoction prevents hair loss, stimulates their growth. Recommend to rub it in the roots after each head washing. Tea with a series improves digestion, increases appetite, cleans the liver.
Due to the number of components necessary for the body, a series is an effective therapeutic and prophylactic agent. A regular bathing in the baths with a series brings huge benefit to the health of adults and children.