Calendula ointment for heels

Calendula ointment for heels

Calendula is a well-known and widespread medicinal flower. It has quite widespread use. The plant decorates the films of the fields, from the dried flowers, prepare teas, infusions, grazing. Fresh flowers - edible and used to add to salads, sauces and for staining of cheeses. Calendula is perfectly combined with various fats, which, due to its therapeutic properties, it allows to apply in cosmetology and medicine.

Mazi properties from calendula

Calendula flowers, whose extract is included in ointment, rich in flavonoids, carotenoids, phytoncides. Contain apple acid, resins and ethers (oils). Various pharmaceutical preparations are prepared from flowers: tincture, tablets, cream, ointment. The ointment heals the wounds, fights bacteria and fungus, soften the coarse skin. Apply it externally, apply a thin layer. Use both an independent cosmetics and in combination with other components.

Use Mazi Calendula

Due to its healing and antibacterial properties, the calendula ointment is successfully used for treatment:

  • varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • burns and skin damage;
  • cracks on the nipples during gv;
  • dermatitis and eczema;
  • acne
  • cracked on heels


Calendula Ointment Heels

Cracks on heels not only look outnetic, but also deliver unpleasant painful sensations. Application of ointment calendula for the treatment of this drawback is quite effective:

  • For the preparation of therapeutic ointment, get in the pharmacy Tubik Mazi Calendula and Vitamin A.
  • Prepare a suitable container for mixing and storing medication.
  • In the jar, place the twenty gram of ointment calendula and ten grams of vitamin A. Well mix the components.
  • Prepandable medicine store in a cool place.
  • Before applying ointments on heels, conduct preparatory procedures. In warm water, hold the legs before softening the skin. For greater efficiency, add soda and soap into the water.
  • Treat the softened skin with brush or pembia.
  • After that, apply for painful places a medicinal ointment and be sure to put socks.
  • We repeat the procedure every night to 14 days.
  • There are no contraindications on the use of ointments, except for allergic reactions, so use the ointment regularly at running cases or periodically for prevention.

Mazhei leg

Calendula's home ointment

If you for some reason do not trust the pharmacy tools or simply like to prepare homemade cosmetics yourself, the calendula ointment can be reproduced from the girlfriend ingredients:

  1. Calendula with bee wax. To prepare ointments, mix the 60 g of calendula oil and 4 g of wax and keep in a water bath before dissolving. Gustness Ointment Adjust the increase in one of the components. Finished ointment break into the jar and store in the cold.
  2. Calendula with lard. Sixty grams of swine salary melt in a water bath, add six grams of dry crushed calendula flowers to it. Cook for about 20 minutes. The finished composition put into the container with a lid and remove into the cold.
  3. Calendula with oils. For this recipe, prepare 60 g of calendula oil, 2 g of bee wax and 8 g of cocoa butter or Shea oil. You can take 4 g and that and the other. All ingredients mix and heated in a water bath before dissolving. Cool and place the finished ointment and place in glass dishes.

Any of the proposed home ointment options, use for the treatment of cracks on the heels with the addition of vitamin A.


Do not forget simple, proven recipes for beauty and health, and your heels will be well-groomed, without a single crack.

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