How to use hormonal ointment

How to use hormonal ointment

The use of hormonal ointments, gels in medicine is widespread. The basis of such drugs includes a hormone, which is produced by adrenal glands. It can be natural or artificial origin. Such drugs are used only on the prescription of the doctor and with strict compliance with the instructions.

Assign a hormonal ointment 1 degree of activity The doctor may with insignificant skin inflammation on the face, neck or in the field of skin folds. Such an ointment has the weakest action, it is almost harmless. It is mainly prescribed to children and pregnant women.

Hormonal ointment 2 degree has moderate effect. It is attributed when there is no effect from the use of such a drug 1 degree. Used in dermatitis, psoriasis, allergic reactions to insect bites, etc.

The third class of activity of hormonal drugs is used in chronic dermatitis, or when it becomes necessary to stop a strongly inflamed skin area. Such ointment is prescribed with eczema. The preparation of a potent class is usually used for a short time with a strict observation of the doctor. Otherwise, there is a possibility of developing side effects.

The highest class of efficacy of hormonal ointments, gels, lotions are the fourth. But this kind of drugs along with the most severe effects have a number of side effects. Apply only in exceptional cases when the patient did not help the above preparations. Used certainly under the supervision of the doctor.

Among other things, the effectiveness of the penetration of the drug affects the speed of healing and restoring the skin. The ointment, less - gels and lotions penetrate the skin. But the choice of the drug is not recommended to do it yourself. Be sure to advise with the doctor.

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Olga 09/08/2018 at 10:02.

I would not advise to use hormones in any of their manifestations. One mountain doctor also advised me at Klimaks and HRT, and Mazi all sorts of hormones (in order to get rid of it) - as a result, nothing good, and an overweight. The doctor changed, now on his recommendations of the ice formula of menopause I take and soothing the baths, itching, the burning in the intimate zone is not disturbed, and there are no tides.


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