How to cure ancase on hands

How to cure ancase on hands

Eczema refers to recurrent inflammatory chronic skin diseases. There are a number of factors contributing to its occurrence, attributed to which you can: physical and mental overvoltage, stress, the presence of endocrine diseases, diabetes mellitus, vegetative-vascular distances, genetic predisposition, allergies of various etiologies, long-term contacts with aggressive chemicals, a deficit in the body Vitamins and minerals, impaired kidney function and so on. Consider various methods and means of treating eczema on hand.

First of all, refer to the dermatologist, which, after the necessary analyzes, depending on the type of eczema, will assign individual therapy. As a rule, corticosteroids are written out (prednisone, hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, corticotropin), enterosorbents (polysorb, smacks, enterosgel, zostere, micotone, polyfepan), biostimulants and immunomodulators, antihistamines (Kestin, Tuefis, Zirtek, Claritin, Telefast, Zetrin, kettifen ), vitamins E and group B, ascorbic and folic acids, antibacterial and antifungal drugs (if eczema microbial), sedatives (noverspoxit, valerian, perrsen, peony tincture), in rare cases tranquilizers - phenozepam, etc., and with a concomitant violation intestinal microflores - enzystal, pancreatin, festal and others.


It is also recommended that the use of ointments and creams, such as Advantan, Chlorophyllipte, Sinaflane, Skin-Cap, Lassar, Elokom, Trimistin, Kremed, Tharchimus, Lockoid, Dermatol, Kenakort, Decity, Zinc, ichthyol, Salicyl. Resort to applying rims with 1% citric acid or resorcin solutions, brown liquid, 0.25% silver nitrate solution, 0.5% menthol solution, tannin, boric acid. If there is a running or severe eczema form, you should undergo a course of plasmarteresis, hemosorption, enterosorption, use hemotransphus. Effective ozone therapy, lacto - and hirudotherapy, procedures with ozokerite.


Minimize consumption of sharp, salty, fatty, smoked products. Enter the sea buckthorn. Fence the affected areas from exposure to direct sunlight, do not abuse water procedures, avoid contacts with household chemicals, wash your hands without using soap with cool water. Increase sleep duration up to nine hours. Align with medication therapy also use folk treatment methods. For a quarter of an hour, a wooden hand in the baths with the addition of sea salt or Creilin (2 teaspoons on 5 liters of warm water), without wiping after that with a towel. Itchy after such a procedure will remove the deposition of Flusinar. There is such a recipe: connect 50 ml of warm water, vinegar and raw egg squirrel, mix, apply to sick places for the night.


Take advantage of this way: take 2 tablespoons of the children's cream (you can replace it on the groove fat or melted fresh pork fat) and 1 spoon of fir oil, mix, Tools Apply three times a day for 2 hours for a crescent. Or such: Think up 200 grams of dark grapes berries, wrapped the mass to marla and attach an hour to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. It is recommended to get rid of the hands from the eczema to lubricate them with Calanechoe juice, do it twice a day. Surfate to such a recipe: Couple 2 spoons of a series of and yarrow and 1 oak bark, a spoon of the resulting mixture pour a glass of boiling water, cool, get a cotton swab in this agent and apply one and a half hours to your hands. To sites with a dry eczema at night, tie an orange bandage (in the absence of allergies).


To achieve maximum effect, use an integrated therapeutic approach to get rid of this disease.

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