Eczema on hand than treat

Eczema on hand than treat

Eczema on hand is chronic inflammation of the surface layer of the dermis. The skin is covered with bubbles of various sizes, small cracks, guns. The treatment of eczema is complex in nature - individual methods and drugs are complemented, but do not replace each other.

Why eczema appears

There is no such factor that leads to the emergence of eczema. As a rule, this is the simultaneous impact of several elements in the complex with the individual characteristics of the body. Among the main, provoking factors, you can allocate the following.

  • Vegeth-vascular dystonia, diseases of the digestive, thyroid gland, emotional and mental tension, diabetes mellitus.
  • Allergies to food, flowering plants, pets, dust, ticks.
  • Long contact with aggressive chemicals, rigid water, rude fabrics.
  • Penetration into the skin of various infections, severe sweating.
  • Deficiency in the body of microelements, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin B6.
  • Immunodeficiency.
  • Psychotracting situations.

Medical therapy

The treatment of eczema is always a long process that should be conducted under the control of a dermatologist. Independent treatment of the disease is impossible, only the doctor can determine the causes of the appearance of the disease and offer personalized treatment.

Depending on the type of eczema and the causes of its formation, the following procedures may be assigned:

  • Pathogenetic therapy is aimed at restoring impaired organism systems, normalization of metabolism, increasing immune reactivity, minimizing the negative impact of external factors.
  • Hirudotherapy - treatment of the disease using a medical leech.
  • Hemotransfusion - blood transfusion.
  • Autohemotherapy - subcutaneous or intramuscular administration of its own blood, taken from Vienna.
  • Lactotherapy - subcutaneous administration of sterilized milk.
  • Plasmapheresis - blood collection procedure, cleaning and returning it back to the bloodstream.
  • Antihistamine therapy is the appointment of drugs used to free the organism from allergens.

A local treatment is applied at the complex with the assigned therapy. These are antiseptic and hormonal ointments, creams, bulls, solutions, powder, suspension. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce burning, itching, dryness.

When prescribing vitaminotherapy, drugs are used as:

  • acids: folic, nicotinic, ascorbic;
  • oil vitamin E;
  • injections by vitamins of group V.

After decreasing the inflammatory process, immunodulators can be assigned: thimomimetics, phagocytosis stimulants, a solution of humizol. Taking these drugs should be carried out under the control of the immunologist.

Physiotherapeutic procedures - an integral part of the treatment. These include:

  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • mud;
  • aerotherapy;
  • ozkeritotherapy;
  • general galvanization;
  • electroneboard;
  • igloreflexotherapy.

Folk methods against eczema

In addition to drug procedures, the use of folk treatment methods is recommended:

  • Salt water: 2 tablespoons of a cook or sea salt. Inject hot water in a liter. Lower your hands and take the bath until you cool. This procedure can be done daily before the appearance of a visible result.
  • Egg emulsion: whipped chicken egg stirred with a tablespoon of vinegar and water. Lubricate the affected areas overnight, imposing an armband from above. Emulsion helps well with a wet eczema.
  • Raw Potatoes: Sutter on the grater along with the skin, wrap in a gauze bandage or bandage and attach to the affected area for 2 hours. Then you can replace the composition on the freshly prepared and continue the procedure.
  • Yves decoction: make a dry bark of willow in a liter of water and process the eczema several times a day.
  • Raspberry decoction: dried raspberry leaves (3 tablespoons) brew in a glass of water, let it brew and apply to the affected skin in the form of compresses.

Nutrition with eczema

Special attention should be paid to the quality of nutrition, since the diet is a mandatory element in comprehensive treatment.

It is necessary to abandon the consumption of the following foods:

  • strong bouillons of meat;
  • cheese and sausages;
  • salted, acute and fried food;
  • smoked and preservation;
  • egg protein;
  • spices;
  • chocolate, coffee;
  • alcohol-containing drinks.

Overall, with eczema, fresh vegetable diet is recommended with the exception of allergenic products. Without a diet, the treatment of eczema on the hands becomes less efficient.

Eczema hands requires integrated and patient treatment. Simultaneously with the medication therapy and the use of folk remedies, success in recovery will provide a measured mode of operation and recreation, proper nutrition, refusal of alcohol and smoking, healthy full sleep.

Comments leave a comment
Nina 03/14/2016 at 8:23

After visiting the SPA, the hands began to be, the redness from the bumps remained and did not go. I did not find time to visit a doctor at once, and waited for the appearance of a liquid ulce. Operational appeal to the dermatologist lost from this ... In addition, a feeling of burning appeared, in the evening there was an increase in temperature, the skin began to burn. Only then I dropped all things and ran to the doctor. Established to the field caused by the reaction to the procedure for hands, more precisely, the means used. The doctor talked in detail about the disease, about symptoms, which can still manifest itself, prescribed treatment and therapy from repeated reactions. To eliminate inflammatory reactions at the stage, with which I applied, it is necessary to take suprastin, and go on top of the class of losterine, soil cold compresses. To support immunity, Pew Polyvitamins. And most importantly avoid direct sunlight.

Olya 03/29/2016 at 16:40

Nina, I also helped Losterin, try another shower gel. For complete skin restoration.

Vitaly 03/30/2016 at 6:45.

They write about eczema those, apparently, who did not suffer from her. Eczema is a fungus that completely seized the organism. Products of its livelihoods appear on all parts of the body. The condition is one thing - not to grieve the body, do not drink soda, as today is fashionable. I personally helped apple (natural) vinegar. Take 3-4 times a day 1-1.5 st. Such at 300 ml. If there is a hearth, then smear on a decrease in the kaletlerm (better cream) in a mixture with children's cream. I squeeze a small droplet of the celenerma and 2-3 drops of children. Dairy, sweet, flour not consumed. Vodka is not more liter per day. From beer failure.

    Sergei 10/07/2018 at 10:37

    Fool you Vitaly! Apparently from vinegar and vodka your brains burned!


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