How to get rid of barley

How to get rid of barley

Barley is a purulent acute inflammation of the sebaceous glands or follicles of eyelashes. It can be inner inner, in this case a meibomy iron is affected. One of the most common causes of its occurrence is staphylococcus. Also, the factors contributing to its appearance include disorders of the endocrine and immune systems, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, avitaminosis, non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, the defeat of the ciliary clergy demodex. A barley is manifested by swelling and redness of the century, itching, then a purulent nodule appears, which soon breaks through. The inflammation can be accompanied by increasing the temperature, general malaise, headaches, twitching the place of depression.

There are several methods to combat this ailment. In case of strong ailments, refer to the oculist. Assigns, as a rule, ointments containing antibiotics and sulfonamides, eye drops and pills, UHF procedures. The specialist will select the most effective antibiotic care scheme for you, and surgical intervention is required quite rarely. Penicillin, hydrocytisone emulsion, sodium sulfacyl 20%, dexamethasone, erythromycin, sodium sulfapyridazine are prescribed. Specialists and erythromycin, teracycline ointment, albucid, cipromed, levomycetin, cyprolet, tobexone, garazone, neo Micin, Neoplaire, Floxal are recommended. To reduce the unpleasant sensations, drink ibuprofen or aspirin. Rinse the sick eye with a solution of furaticiline, for this one tablet is dispersed and add to 250 liters of water. In the event of the first symptoms, try covering the patient with a greenflaw, tinctures or alcohol, do it with a cotton wand, keep it at least ten minutes.


Many folk remedies in the fight against barley are also quite effective. At the very beginning of inflammation, it is recommended to tie the ring finger or wrist with a red thread, necessarily wool. And the hand should be the opposite patient. The relief will bring such a tool: cutting a large clicker of fresh garlic and attach to the inflamed century for fifteen minutes, do so three or four times a day. You can also do the same, but without cutting it, but pre-heating in hot water. Or from up boiled garlic and wrap the wrapped in gauze received, attach to the eye for ten minutes. These procedures repeat two or three days. Effectively and warming barley chicken egg. Cook it and ride the patient. You can use only the protein, cleaning the egg at the removal of yolk. Well established himself in the fight against this harvest major salt. Heat her, pour into the bag, attach twenty minutes to the problem area. Repeat three times a day. But they only resort to such procedures in the case of a formation formed.


A tablespoon of chamomile flowers make a glass of boiling water, insist the hour, cool, wind your cotton swab and attach to the climb. By this, you will speed up the process of its ripening and a breakthrough of pus. Chamomile can replace the calendula. Try such a recipe: Aloe freshly cut sheet Cool, squeeze juice from it, spread with water in a ratio of one to ten and use daily for compress. Rinse your eyes with a barley calendula, as well as soap, and do it so that the foam hit the eye, but consider it to pinch. Pretty effective and such a recipe: Take a teaspoon of dill seeds, squeeze them, pour half liters of water and bring to a boil. Then cool, use as a rim in the morning and in the evening. Or brew boiling water five stuff of spices cloves to a third of a glass, cool down and make a bummer with this infusion. Note that official medicine against wet missiles, since there is a risk of infection.


Try it and such a means: grind the fresh leaves of lilac from one branch or skip through the meat grinder, put the casseling on the bandage and attach a forty minutes to barley. Do so at least five times a day. This recipe is effective: Guaava leaves moisten with warm water, attach to the eyes for ten minutes. You can rinse patient with eyelid tea brewing, decoction of the yolter. Or try to first attach a cold compress with boric acid, and then warm from the decoction of flax seeds. Suitable and infusion of plantain. To make it, take three tablespoons of this herb, pour 300 ml of boiling water, insist to fully cool, then strain. If you wish, replace the St. John's wort. Help to get rid of barley and teas, for example, from the burdock, Echinacea. You need to drink two days, before each meal. There is also such a recipe: three laurel leaves pour 100 ml of hot water, let it stand for fifteen minutes and drink. In chronic barley, it is recommended to eat five dry flowers of the pyrhems to four times a day (there is in pharmacies), floating with cold water.

Remember that running purulent inflammation, as well as the sipped barley, can have quite serious consequences, in particular, sepsis and meningitis.


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Rita 04/16/2018 at 15:45.

I herself treated myself, in the pharmacy Ointment Floxal bought and additionally still at home Aloe leaf applied, there was no trail for a week and a trace.

Victoria 19/04/2018 at 10:33

Good article, thank you.


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