Treatment of barley in a child

Treatment of barley in a child

Barley is not a dangerous disease, subject to timely measures. If your baby has barley - do not be afraid, there are proven treatment methods. There are several ways to help you cure barley at home.

In order to get rid of barley as soon as possible, it is recommended to apply folk methods, for example, to warm the sick place, applying a black tea mile or compresses from the calendula's decoction, aloe juice lubrication, etc. If for 5-6 days the disease will not retreat - contact To ophthalmologist, which will appoint special drugs. Now we will look at the actual treatment of barley at different stages.

At the initial stage of development of the disease, it is not so easy to recognize barley. The infection falls into a certain place, which begins to swell and becomes reddish. After that, the child begins to feel a slight burning sensation or itching. A few days later, small guns are formed with a yellowish tint. When the barley fell down and matures, the shell stuck with a gnut and comes out.

First of all, it is necessary to burn an infected place with alcohol. Alternatively, you can use iodine or green. Take a cotton wand and impregnate it with the selected substance. Then attach it to barley and hold for 10-15 minutes. When complying with this procedure, expect caution - the remedy can get into the eye and cause irritation. If you fail to destroy the infection, you will have to wait for the gunner.

To speed up the opening of the gun, regularly warm up the patient. Wellect the egg and wrap it with a soft cloth. Then attach to the patient the place in such a way as to prevent the body's delicate skin. Conduct these procedures several times a day for 10 minutes. It is worth noting that barley can form in one of the deepest glands of the century. In this case, there is a small swelling. This type of barley is rarely revealed by himself, so refer to an ophthalmologist who can safely drain the pus.

You can use additional treatments. Many believe that the spit will help to get rid of barley. This method is effective only at the very initial stage of the disease, but most people misses this moment. When the guns have already formed, it is recommended to apply warm grazing from black strong tea. Sugar should not add. Take cotton discs, plunge them into tea and attach to the inflamed place. This procedure can be carried out several times a day. Another effect is aloe juice. Lubricity sick place is also recommended several times a day.

As an alternative to tea, you can use compresses with decoction of calendula. Put in a glass of 1 tbsp. l. Dry calendula colors (sold in a pharmacy) and pour them boiling water. Leave the decoction for 40 minutes. After that, dry up the bandage into it, learn it and attach to the inflamed place. It is worth noting that the decoction of the leopa leaves is no less effective.


Remember that barley cannot be squeezed. Otherwise, the infection can strongly spread, as a result of which meningitis or blood infection will appear. Also, you should not mask the patient with cosmetics, otherwise the infection can spread throughout the century. If the treatment does not help or formed another barley - consult a doctor. Most likely, the specialist will appoint suitable antibiotics, eye drops and therapeutic ointment. Additionally, it may be necessary to warm the electric shock.

In most cases, the reason for the appearance of barley is weakened immunity. If the eye disease occurs often, it is necessary to urgently enjoy the strengthening of the immune system, which is to receive vitamin complexes and performing physical exertion. It is also preferable to enrich your diet with fresh vegetables, fruits, berries and freshly squeezed juices.

Remember that incorrect and illiterate treatment can lead to the infection of the blood and the emergence of other problems. Refrain from the use of unverified methods. The above tips will help you find the most suitable way of treatment and immediately apply it.

Comments leave a comment
Galina 20/04/2018 at 18:23

Child 14 years old. Probably already to adults equal, as it is higher than me, but for me, after all, he is still a child. Red eyes and a bit of a little. I am confident that this is barley. And what to treat even I do not know ...

Olesia 04/22/2018 at 13:26.

Galina, are you not going to a doctor? Do you want to cope? Although if one hundred percent is confident, you can probably treat themselves. You still got on weekends, hospitals do not work, therefore there are no options. Last year, ointment Floxal Barley cured in 7 days. Maybe other drugs have appeared more efficient, I do not know, but this ointment is quite effective.


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