Contantagious mollusk Treatment

Contantagious mollusk Treatment

The contagious mollusk is a skin disease that is transmitted by touching an infected person. It is expressed in the form of acne, with the extrusion of which the white mass flows. There are several methods of treatment, but the main thing is to remove the reason that caused it.

From the moment of the disease until the first sign of the disease, different times may pass. It depends on the state of the immune system. One people have a period of two weeks, others have six months. The size of the rashes can be different, but in color they do not differ from the skin. If immunity is strongly weakened, education is beginning to appear and spread very quickly. It is worth noting that the main places of the emergence of formations are the stomach, the inner side of the hips and the groin area. Sometimes they appear on the face, in the oral cavity and on the mucous membranes of the eyes. One good news: against the background of the appearance of rashes, general health does not deteriorate.

Contact a dermatologist. If you try to eliminate the problem yourself, you can simply confuse the contagious mollusk with a number of other similar diseases than make yourself even worse. The reason for the development of the contagious mollusk is weak immunity, so it is very important to start strengthening it as soon as possible. Healthy and strong immunity will prevent re-occurrence of the disease. As for the rashes, it is necessary to remove them until they completely disappear. This should make a doctor in an outpatient basis.

One of the methods for removing the rash is in the processing of iodine. It is called "mechanical scraping" and is shown if the patient has a small amount of formations. The pimples are squeezed and migrated with 5% iodine solution or potassium permanganate. The procedure is not recommended at home. Outpatient conditions are more reliable as doctors take into account all the rules of asepsis and antiseptics. But this method has a big drawback: after intervention on the skin, the scars often remain.

If a large amount of rashes appeared on the body, it is preferable to choose a laser method for removing formations. Its advantage is that the procedure does not damage the skin. A few days after its use on the skin there is no trace. Consequently, nothing will be reminded of the suffering disease.

There is another method for removing clam rash with an electric current. It is called "Electro-Aagulation". The procedure consists in causing rashes and the subsequent irradiation of the skin by the ultraviolet lamp. In some cases, "cryotherapy" is prescribed, which is a treatment with liquid nitrogen.

Also, doctors can designate skin sections with special ointments, for example, "acyclovir", "Retin A", "Ferrezol". No less effectively lubricate the formation of fresh juice of garlic, but before this it is necessary to consult with the doctor. If the amount of rash is too large, doctors prescribe antibiotics.

Remember that patients with contagious molluste must be isolated from healthy family members and other people. Every day it is necessary to disinfect and wash towels, the bottom and bed linen of the patient. The house recommends a general cleaning and remove all the dust in which the contagious mollusc virus can be. At the time of treatment, the patient should not take a bath, in which other family members are clean.

Remember that only the doctor may appoint proper treatment. Before using any folk remedies, be sure to consult with him. From all of the above, it can be concluded that the laser method is most convenient and painless. But each doctor has its own treatment system, so it will depend on what specialist will you get.

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Irina 28/09/2016 at 16:40

Good afternoon. When we sick with the contagious mollusk, they began with the fact that the folk remedies of garlic juice, burning herbs, etc. Some formations disappeared, but not all. Not knowing what to do next went to remove to the doctor. The doctor removed them with a tweezers of about 80 pcs and explained that this is not the end. They may appear again if not to raise immunity, as this is a virus. I explained how it is better to do this and advised to acquire a cosmetic lotion for Molustin skin and if they begin to appear again, then not tightening to smear lotion. What we did. I do not know how the right method is, but it really acts


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