How to protect yourself from sharp viral respiratory diseases

How to protect yourself from sharp viral respiratory diseases

Viruses appeared on our planet long before the first person. They are in the intermediate link between the lively and inanimate nature. Viruses are much less bacteria and carry genetic material with adaptations for self-copying. There are many pathogenic strains for a person, and the ability to quickly spread over the air can lead to infection of entire countries and even continents. That is why everyone should know the main tricks in the prevention of basic viral diseases.

How is the infection with a viral respiratory disease

The causative agent of viral infection is most often a sick person or carrier. Viruses are most often allocated to the environment with a current of exhaled air. Then they migrate and inhale their victim. These viruses are called respiratory. After penetrating the human body, the viruses are settled on the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. If the immune system works well, they are destroyed in the field of lymphoid tonsils of the pharynx. Otherwise, viruses are unhindered down by respiratory tract.

Axis on the mucous membrane and not receiving sufficient removal of the immune system, the viruses penetrate into the cells and begin to multiply. In the process of self-copying, they damage healthy cells. Accuming a sufficient amount of viral units, they can disseminate throughout the body.

Sanitation of nasal strokes against viral respiratory diseases

The mucous membrane of the nasal strokes has the ability to delay various alien agents and viruses including. But if their very large amount, over time they can get on. So that this does not happen, you need to wash the nasal moves. There are 3 main substances for this manipulation:

  • Hydrogen peroxide. In the nose enough to roll up to 10 drops of peroxide. It has the ability to destroy viral cells by oxidation with free oxygen. At the same time, oxygen and water is released.
  • Saline. It is best for the naval salt with a pharmacy. You can use the usual food salt. For the preparation of the solution, a tablespoon of salt on a glass of warm water is used. The saline solution has the ability to pull the malicious microorganisms and flush them out.
  • Soap solution. For its preparation you need to stir a small piece of soap in warm water. It is best to use the usual shopping soap. The soap solution has an alkaline environment that destroys not only viruses, and bacteria. This method should not be put on the fore, considering that soap dries the mucous membrane.

Oxolin ointment against viral respiratory diseases

This ointment is very famous and a lot of who uses it. But few know how it works and how to apply it correctly. Before going out on the street, apply a little ointment on the tip of the mother. Further lubricate your nasal moves to cover the area by 0.5-1 cm deep. After that, additionally smear the ointment, giving the wings of the nose. Oxalin owns a double antiviral effect. He in itself destroys viruses, and also stimulates the production of interferon, which is the natural protection of people from viral infections.

Bow against viral respiratory diseases

Onions do not just consider the drug from infectious diseases. It has a phytoncide in its composition. These are special substances that are able to destroy viruses and bacteria. So that the whole room is filled with phytoncides, soda the small bulb on the grater and put in the room. Do not trite too much so that the bow is not irritated.

Well, do not forget about the reception of various vitamins, walks in the fresh air and positive emotions. Only an integrated approach to its health will help protect almost from any infection.

Comments leave a comment
Olga Zhatkina 03/22/2016 at 14:53

He came to work today and see that the colleague is sick. How would I not get sick of it. I would not want to leave again at sick leave.

Marina 03/22/2016 at 20:10

Olga, yesterday came out from the hospital. Already spring, it would seem what flu or ORVI, and the whole winter did not hurt, and then please ((the week of the house was, it was treated strengthened I was a treatment. I wish you certainly not to hurt, but if you suddenly have the first symptoms, then keep in mind.

Lisa 02/15/2017 at 18:17

Girls, I have when someone at work is sick, I just begin to smear my ointment in the nose. Thus, I fencing myself from getting a virus to the body.

Marina 18/04/2017 at 13:28

The most offensive thing is that you can't protect how many masks do not wear. The best way to strengthen the immune system, and as you know, the entire immunity "lives in the intestines", or rather 70%, so it is necessary to keep the intestine microflora, and keep track of what you eat. I accept probiotics, three or four times a year by courses, a very good way to protect, forgot, when I was sick, although the work is associated with a large flow of people. Nose splashing liquid probiotics, nostril is very good, the microflora of the nasal mucous membranes is well protected. And nostril, and probiotics are always on the site Probiotix order, there is a big choice and good prices.


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