How to breed propolis

How to breed propolis

The uniqueness and effectiveness of propolis is explained by the presence of antiseptics, vitamins, important trace elements, enzymes, antioxidants and biologically active substances. Solvent of bee glue can be: alcohol, oil, water, milk and even fat. Depending on the type of solvent, the resulting component composition of the solution will be changed and the properties characteristic of it.

To prepare a solution with a concentration of 10, 20, 30%, it is necessary to dissolve 10, 20 or 30 g of a well-chopped propolis in 100 g of alcohol, respectively. Then shake thoroughly and leave it is 7-10 days in a dark warm place. Ready extract can be filtered, and you can leave with a proprolis residue. The alcohol will allocate 48-75% of biologically active substances from raw propolis. Moreover, 70%-SPRIT will cope with the task better than 96%.

You can make an alcohol solution in drimane (3:10). In the glass container with 100 ml of 80% of ethyl alcohol pour 30 g of chopped propolis. Closed vessel put for 7 days in a dark place. Extraction temperature - 20-25 ° C. The solution is periodically intensively shake. Finished tincture filter, residue squeeze. Store red-brown liquid at room temperature.


A 10% aqueous solution of propolis will cope with pain in the throat. 10 g of finely divided bee glue should be sent to a thermos to 100 g of water with a temperature of 50 ° C. Insolening lasts 24 hours. After a day, the filtrate of the solution is sent to the refrigerator. The resulting solution is used 7 days. In the same proportions, you can cook aquatic tincture on a water bath with a periodic stirring with a wooden spoon. Boiling time - no more than an hour. The preparation of the extract in the second way is based on the propolis property to maintain its biological properties at clock-boiling.

The proprolis oil in Kuzmin is obtained by adding to a pre-boiled liter of sunflower or linseed oil from 50 to 70 g of melted wax and 100 g of natural propolis. The entire mixture is heated no more than 40 minutes with constant stirring.

For the manufacture of ointments, animal fats are used. The prescription picks up the proportion of fat and propolis. Components are sent to the water bath. Before boil mixture is prohibited. The process of obtaining therapeutic ointments continues for 15-20 minutes with constant stirring. The formed homogeneous mass is passed through one layer of gauze.

Popular recipe for proprolis milk. In the volume of 1 liter and the temperature of over 80 ° C is placed 50-100 g of chopped propolis. Boil all the composition up to 15 minutes. Next it is necessary to strain, cool and send to the refrigerator for storage.

Dilute propolis at home is not difficult. It is only necessary for the presence of all components, dosage knowledge, compliance with all manufacturing and free time.

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