Menuine Amanogen - Application

Menuine Amanogen - Application

Tincture of red mushroom in traditional medical practice it is used for hundreds of years, has a number of healing properties: anticonvulsant, antispasmodic, antibacterial, antitumor, anti-inflammatory and other. The reason is that besides alkaloids (muscaridine, muscarine), muscimol and bufotenine red agaric comprises trimethylamine, serotonin, muskafurin, potassium salts, choline. When using this tincture must always follow the prescribed dosage, since its excess fraught poisoning, CNS and peripheral nervous system and paralysis, coma. Consider the basic methods of preparation and application of mushroom tinctures.

Use mushroom as a therapeutic agent needed under supervision of a specialist, especially when simultaneous reception of drugs, because many of them are not compatible with the active substances of the fungus. It should be noted that the majority of doctors of traditional medicine for internal use tinctures mushroom are extremely negative. It is expedient that, in their opinion, only in severe stages of oncological diseases, coupled with the classical methods of treatment, and then, with well-chosen scheme. Outdoor use of the mushroom extract is allowed but subject to safety rules and proportions. Keep in mind that the regular use of mushroom in various forms can result in addiction.


The folk legari prescribe funds from amansor at various types of cancer (especially pancreas, brain, stomach, leukemia), diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, tuberculosis, eczema, sclerosis, cuts of various etiologies, diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Remember that after or between the anti-therapy courses, enterosorbents (zoskuto, smack, micoton, enterosgel) should be drunk during the week. Check raw materials or ready-made tinctures from proven herbers. With an independent workpiece, keep in mind that you should not take the pantic amanita and damaged red, only mushroom hats are used, pre-eliminating them from the plates from the bottom, it is desirable before cooking to withstand their day in the cold.

Before cooking, rinse the mushrooms inside the mushrooms, break every hat on three or four parts, place in the glass container (do not use metal), pour with clean alcohol or vodka in a ratio of 1: 1 so that the liquid on one or two centimeters covered raw materials, Slide the lid and remove a cool place in the sun-protected. Depending on the desired degree of concentration, withstand from two weeks to one and a half months. Then pull mushrooms from the container, strain the obtained infusion, burst it on brown glass bubbles. For outdoor use, it is better to use pressed juice from five mushrooms, diluted with vodka mounted by half-liters, insist the time.

New collage

Take this tincture inwards during cancer and severe forms of the flow of other pathologies, we recommend half a teaspoon in front of breakfast, the duration of the course is calculated individually. Or by such a scheme: Starting with one drop in 200 ml of water, add daily on one drop, bringing their number to ten, for the eleventh day should be reduced their number in the reverse order, that is, for the twentieth day to use one drop again. Under arthritis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis tincture should be rubbed into the location of pain syndrome during the week daily. Or apply compresses from tincture mixed with sour cream for 2-6 hours, then flush.


Remember that the aunt's tincture in no way is a panacea from any disease. Before use, you will definitely consult your attending physician.

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