How to take flax for weight loss

How to take flax for weight loss

Flax, or rather, its seeds are quite a reliable means for weight loss. But they do not burn fats, but simply remove the accumulated slags from the body, the weight of which can even reach a few kilograms. The decoctions of the seeds of flax envelop the walls of the stomach, thereby preventing the suction consumed with food fats. If Flax takes unsystematicly and in large quantities, the body will result from dehydration and trace element deficiency. So that weight loss on the flax seed was safe and efficient, it is necessary to take it right.

Ground flax seeds

The easiest way of use is to add dry flax seeds into food. To do this, they will pre-heat them on the coffee grinder and sprinkled with the resulting powder any dishes. Daily consumption of grind seeds - 1 tablespoon, but divide it into several techniques. If the seeds eat at a time, the body can respond to diarrhea, because flax has the strongest laxative property. The flax seed for daily use is better to smoke daily, because the crushed they are quickly oxidized and barbed.

Keyned flax seeds

Whole seeds of flax are a good effect, but pre-worked. Put a large seed spoon in a glass, fill them with 125 ml of warm water and leave for 12 hours to insist. It is better to do it overnight to add seeds in the morning to food. Split separation of seeds divide three times and add to food at breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Decoration of flax seeds

Useful decoction that will envelop the mucous, prepare:

  1. Bring 600 ml of water to a boil.
  2. Pass 2 tablespoons of seed in boiling water.
  3. On the slow fire, Len cook 10 minutes.
  4. Welcome the resulting mixture.
  5. Perfect the decoction through the siter.

Take such a decoction at half a glass 40-50 minutes before each meal.

Infusion of flax seeds

Instead of the raccara, you can prepare the infusion of flax seed. To do this, in the thermos, put 2 spoons of flax, pour them with boiling water (400 ml) and leave for insteading overnight. In the morning, the infusion strain and drink three times a day for 100 ml 30 minutes before meals.

How long to take flax seed

Reception of flax seeds can not be too long. Nutritionists recommend in any way to use for two weeks. After that, the same break is needed and only then - repeated two-week course. If you ignore these rules, peristalistic can decrease in the intestines, and there are constipation in the future.


Flax seed can not be taken:

  • with elevated meteorism;
  • with a bricken disease;
  • with exacerbations of any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - pancreatitis, colitis, cholecystitis.

Delicious dishes with flax seeds

If you do not like the pure taste of linen seeds, you can turn on their daily portion into dishes:

  • Dessert. Mix the operated or grilled seeds with thick honey (proportion - 1/1).
  • Kissel. In one liter of water, stir 2 tablespoons of bitten seeds and bring the mass to a boil. During the cooking, add a pinch of the ground cinnamon or a lemon and orange zest.
  • Kefiro fruit drink. Mix the kefir (0.5 liters), the flax seed is thrown (1 tablespoon) and any sweet syrup (1 tablespoon).
  • Homebaked bread. In the bowl of bread maker together with flour and other dry ingredients, put 2 spoons of seeds. Bake bread as usual.


Flax, if you do not adhere to other rules of weight loss, will not help to lose weight very quickly. For its effective action, also engage in sports, walk on foot, do not overeat. You can buy flax seed in a pharmacy or a healthy nutrition store.

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