How to Take Flax Seeds for Slimming

How to Take Flax Seeds for Slimming

Flax seeds are appreciated by their healing properties since the time of the hippocrate. Particularly honored these gifts of nature for their ability to "drive" overweight and regulate the process of digestion. But the main condition for the seeds to benefit is their proper use.

Flax seeds for rapidness

The easiest and most convenient way to prepare flax seeds - make a decoction. To preserve all useful components of the grains, you need to stick to such a tactics of cooking.

  • Take 10 g of seeds (1 art. L.) And 250 mg of boiling water.
  • Connect the ingredients and put on fire.
  • Heat the mixture of about 30 minutes on low heat.
  • Strain liquid.
  • Bring the volume to the initial amount using boiled water for this.
  • Take a decoction you need 100-150 mg in 5-10 minutes before meals.

Advice! In addition to the thinning effect, your body got useful vitamins and minerals, the flax seeds are better prepared on the steam bath.

Flax seeds for weight loss in the form of infusion

If you do not have half an hour to boil and stir the flax seeds, you can simplify this process a little, prepare infusion. True, the effect of it will not be so deep.

  • Pour in thermos 1 tbsp. l. Solid flax seeds.
  • Now add 500 mg of steep boiling water.
  • Leave linen seeds to be for 10-12 hours.
  • The reception scheme is the same as the decoction.

Flax seeds for slimming

If the boiled linen seed falls on you not to taste, you can get the desired effect with a more delicious way. To do this, cook kissel with berries and linen flour.

  • Prepare puree from fresh or frozen berries.
  • Pour 1 liter of water in a saucepan and add sugar to taste.
  • Divide 30-50 g starch in a small amount of water.
  • Slowly pour the starch mixture into hot water.
  • After boiling, add a berry puree and boil once again.
  • In 200 g of hot jille, add 5-7 g of linen flour (approximately 1.5 h. L).
  • You can drink such a drink several times a day.

On a note! Such a kissel perfectly quenches his hunger, but it contains few calories.

Flax seeds for slimming - flax flour with kefir

In order to thoroughly clean the intestines from the long-term "garbage" in the form of slags, toxins and radionuclides, a combination of kefir and ground flax seeds often use. Also, this method eliminates such an unpleasant phenomenon as constipation.

  • Grind the seeds with a coffee grinder or buy a finished flax flour.
  • Mix a cup of kefir (you can take yogurt without additives) from 1 tsp. Linen flour and take such a combination every day for one week.
  • For the second week add 2 h. Flour into a glass of kefir.
  • And on the third week, take 3 h. Flour on a glass of kefir.

Important! To get a positive result, you need to adhere to such a system exactly three weeks.

Luxury Seeds - Vitamin Cocktail

If you spend unloading days with flax seeds in the winter, when the vitamin deficit is especially noticeable, you can use the following weight loss method:

  • Prepare 200 mg of carrot freasses.
  • Grind 1 tbsp. l. Flax seeds.
  • Take 1 tsp. vegetable oil (better linen).
  • Connect all the ingredients and leave them to "reset" for 5-7 minutes.
  • Now the cocktail is ready to use.

Regular cleansing of the body, flax seeds will soon delight you with a slightness of the figure and beautiful well-being. The main thing is to correctly use such a useful product.

Comments leave a comment
Leroch 07/11/2018 at 8:00

I did not use such pieces. The only thing that can be recommended for improving weight loss-l-carnitine (Sportspert-before training has usually took it) + coffee. Mixture nuclear ... But alone and the truth is better to go away)

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