Gunoderma for weight loss

Gunoderma for weight loss

Hanoderma is a mushroom that parasitizes on the trunks of trees, from which a widely advertised means for weight loss is produced. Hanoderm is also called Lingzhi and used in the form of capsules or powder, adding to food.

Is it possible to lose weight with Hanoderma

Hanoderma is a natural product that does not cause side effects. The tool is suitable for men and women, supporting the normal processes of the body's activities and strengthening immunity. The impact of ganoderma on the body contributing to weight loss:

  • strengthening of blood current, extension of vessels;
  • the diuretic effect, the withdrawal of toxins amino acids;
  • stabilization and acceleration of metabolism;
  • toping feelings of hunger with proteins;
  • reduced cholesterol levels.

Mushroom Lingzhi does not contain fat-burning components that instantly get rid of extra kilograms. Its impact is to activate in the body of exchange reactions, thanks to which weight loss begins.

How to take lingzhi for weight loss

From the powder of Hanoderma, you can brew tea or prepare a tincture on an alcohol basis.

Tincture ganoderma

For cooking tincture, take:

  • 10 g of Lingzhi Mushroom Powder;
  • 0.5 l vodka.

Pour the ganoderma with vodka and insist in the dark for two months. Take for weight loss on 1 tablespoon at lunch and at night.

Tea from ganoderma for weight loss

For making tea, pour two tablespoons of the mushroom 350 ml of water. Put on the fire and boil 5 minutes. Leave to cool by 8-12 hours. Getting the resulting drink 5 times a day 2 tablespoons - you can add it to tea. There are no restrictions on the duration of the course.

Ganoderma-based preparations

On the basis of the mushroom, Lingzhi produces drugs for weight loss with the addition of other active ingredients.

Slimming capsules

Capsules are popular due to ease of use. In addition to mycelium, Lingzhi Mushroom, they contain Chinese Cordieces, Cassia seeds and cocosocence extract. The packaging is designed for 45 days of reception - there are 90 capsules in it, which is taken one in the morning and in the evening.


Green coffee

Green coffee produce from unreasonable coffee beans using technology that maintains beneficial properties. It is added to the extract of Hanoderma, which controls the feeling of hunger and accelerating metabolic processes.

Hanoderma extract

The extract is sold in a liquid form with the addition of ginseng root. It promotes weight correction and strengthens the body. The reception course is 40 days, one bottle is 10 ml per day.

Ganoderma - recommendations of specialists

The miraculous Effect of Hanoderma, about which manufacturers declare, has not been proven by scientific research. The mushroom really has useful chemical compounds, but they need to be produced for a long time in laboratory conditions. The process requires significant resources, and the creators of healing agents do not resort to it, but sell the dried mushroom, grilled into the powder. In this state, he benefits in meager doses and does not particularly affect weight loss. On the Internet published enthusiastic reviews about the preparations based on Hanoderma, presumably, from those who easily inspire - they experience the placebo effect, taking supplements, and really lose weight.



If you decide to try to take Ganoderm, consult a doctor for advice and set the dosage together. Contraindications for receiving fungus:

  • hypotension;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • diseases of the kidneys, insufficiency;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance.

Reset 22 kilograms for a month, taking Ganoderma, you are unlikely to succeed, but you can put a secretioning course in the presence of funds for the purchase and absence of contraindications. If you believe in the effect of additives for weight loss, try taking linzhzhi - perhaps you will be able to adjust the weight due to self-sucking.

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