How to sprout flax seeds

How to sprout flax seeds

Fans of a healthy diet, for sure, know about the beneficial properties of sprouted grains of various crops. It is known that sprouted seeds have much greater nutritional value than dry. The real storehouse of beneficial substances are sprouted flax grains. However, if other fruits can be bought in specialized stores for healthy diet, then sprouted flax in them is not sold in mind its increased moodiness. However, if you are patient and do everything according to the instructions, this can be done at home.

We take a kitchen moisture -feeding napkin, we squeeze it, squeeze it, fold it in two layers and put on the variety.

We take a piece of dense linen fabric, soak it, squeeze it and put it on top on a napkin.

We scatter flax seeds on the surface of the fabric (sparsely).


We cover with another piece of linen fabric, also slightly wet, we put another moisture -freeing napkin on top. Please note that the whole fabric should be slightly wet, but not wet.

Every 3-4 hours, the fabric must be opened for a couple of minutes to let the seeds breathe. Seeds should stick to the fabric, but separate well. If they are dried up, it is necessary to spray with water. It is important to remember that the grains should be wet, but do not swim in water.

If you do everything right, then the sprouts will appear on the second day (approximately 5 mm). They need to be removed with a spoon, with slightly moistened fabric, pour into the jar and send it to the refrigerator. You can store them for 5 days.

If you are planning a longer storage, you can preserve sprouts in honey. For this, sprouts with honey are mixed in a ratio of 1: 4. Such a mixture will be stored in the refrigerator for a month now.


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